Insane Foreign Sci FiFantasy Movies Youve Never Heard Of. Hollywood may be the first place people think of when they think of big screen productions, but while its considered the focal center of the film industry, some of the most unique and imaginative movies dont originate from a Hollywood studio, or even garner a release in the United States. Whether its due to budget, poor language or cultural translations, or a perceived lack of box office potential, American cinemas rarely see most foreign films on more than a handful of screens during awards season. Unfortunately, the popularity of foreign films in the United States have been on the decline for several years, depriving the biggest movie market in the world of some of the most unique and amazing content in production. This is especially true in the science fiction and fantasy genres. While the United States release schedule is dominated by sequels and adaptations, many other countries are branching out in ways most Americans will never see. If youre a geek looking to expand your cinematic horizons, check out these 1. AOL Radio is powered by humans Great radio is all about unexpected connectionsthe kind that an algorithm cant predict. Pick any station in any of the 30 genres. Read CNN News18 breaking news, latest news from India World including current news headlines on politics, cricket, business, entertainment and more only on News18. Prosm, vlote vae prihlasovacie meno a heslo. Prihlasovacie meno. Heslo. Does Deepikas reaction to Ranveers pic prove she is done with his choice in fashion Ranveer Singh showed up at an event in a Scottish kilt and Deepika Padukone. Reel.jpg' alt='Bollywood Superstar Monkey Full Movie' title='Bollywood Superstar Monkey Full Movie' />Insane Foreign Sci FiFantasy Films Youve Never Heard Of. Besouro 2. 00. 9Region Brazil. Besouro known as The Assailant in the US is the fantastical account of an Afro Brazilian myth surrounding the origin of capoeira and its inventor, the films legendary namesake Besouro. Set in 1. 92. 0s Brazil, an African slave gains special powers, which he leverages with the capoeira fighting style to liberate a Brazilian plantation. Brazil doesnt have a strong film tradition in kung fu, but bringing in Huen Chiu Ku of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Kill Bill fame provided a unique high octane wire fu meets western story that is at times more contemplative than violent. Watch32 Watch Movies on Watch32. Watch32 is the Biggest Library of free Full Movies. Watch 32 Movies Online. Smitten by the box office bug Dont miss reading our compilation of Bollywood films with highest box office collections in Overseas circuits. Gewaltsame Vergewaltigung, isis raped tube, japanesen fantasy porn, japanese father raped daughter, japanese virgin rape videos, rape and murder video. Regionals Click City for Details, Directions, Results, Videos, Winners MoreWith a release exclusive to Brazil, Besouros box office impact was limited to 2 million, and reviewers looking for a non stop action flick were divided over the dialogue heavy moments of a movie that veers into art house cinema when the protagonist isnt throwing punches or doing backflips. Still, Besouros unique take on the genre presents a film that isnt only unique to Brazilian cinema, but also to the rest of the world. Tale of Tales. Region Italy, France, UKTale of Tales is an ambitious adaptation of 3 fairy tales, but not the Brothers Grimm fairy tales most American audiences are familiar with. Tale of Tales goes back even further to the works of the 1. Italian father of fairy tales, Giambattista Basile. Torrentz will always love you. Farewell. 20032016 Torrentz. Before the Disneyfication of the modern fairy tale, most such stories were far darker, twisted, and genuinely frightening. While Basile may have claimed his work was intended for children in the 1. Tale of Tales struck a unique aesthetic to go along with the whimsical stories. While it was filmed entirely on location, director Matteo Garrone specifically sought out real locations that had the look and feel of a studio set, serving to provide a surreal atmosphere and mildly haunting tone for most of the film. Although Tale of Tales was well received critically and holds a 7. Rotten Tomatoes, its unconventional take on the subject matter, European fairy tale influences, and microscopic release footprint makes for a film that is unlikely to catch any traction in the United States. Viy 2. 01. 4Region Russia, Ukraine. In 1. 70. 0s Europe, a young mapmaker travels the countryside, charting the terrain into the east, when he comes upon a strange village deep in the swamp where hes soon exposed to an unfamiliar evil. Viy called Forbidden Empire for its US release is a visually stunning piece of fantasy horror with a dash of steampunk, and plenty of black humor. The films many monsters were realized through a variety of means, from puppets to CGI, resulting in effects that are at times so creepy theyre uncomfortable. Posting one of the largest opening weekends in Russian history, Viy was heavily praised for its amazing special effects and unique visual aesthetic, but its actual critical reception was more divided. While many did appreciate the film, several reviewers pointed out a cognitive split, where the movie is both too intellectual for casual audiences, but too straightforward for cinefiles. Timecrimes 2. 00. Region Spain. When a man chases after a naked woman he sees in the woods, he inadvertently finds himself wrapped up in a time paradox. Upon attempting to rectify his actions, he only adds to a cycle of repeating events, pitting him against multiple past copies of himself. Taking a simplistic low tech approach to time travel a la Primer, Timecrimes is a truly cerebral experience where the main characters disorienting spiral is able to maintain high levels of drama and suspense with an absolute minimalist approach to action and special effects. Timecrimes didnt see a theatrical release outside of Spain where its box office numbers only hit half a million dollars but it is very widely regarded by fans and critics alike, even garnering the Best Picture award at Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas. Mr. Go 2. 01. 3Region South Korea, China. Based on the South Korean comic, The 7th Team, Mr. Go tells the story of a circus Gorilla, Ling Ling, that joins the Korean Baseball League to serve as a pinch hitter. He quickly becomes a superstar called Mr. Go, turning the Doosan Bearss losing streak into a winning streak. Mr. Go is nothing less than a groundbreaking technical achievement. A team of 5. 00 visual artists spent over 4 years leveraging CGI and motion capture technology to create lifelike animation for Ling Ling, resulting in a finished product with more than 3. Unfortunately, despite a moderately warm reception, Mr. Gos box office returns werent quite as numerous as the movies visual accomplishments. The movie was able to mark the best Chinese opening for a South Korean film, but it was still only barely able to recoup its own budget. Tai Chi Zero 2. 01. Region China. Tai Chi Zero tells a fictitious account of the first man outside of the Chen Clan to learn the Tai Chi fighting style. At first, the Chen village doesnt want to teach the outsider, but when a greedy tycoon attempts to build a railroad through their village, they realize they need all the help they can get. Truly a visual marvel, Tai Chi Zero is a steampunk martial arts film that heavily borrows its visuals from video games, comic books, and classic wire fu movies. Despite a simplistic script, Tai Chi Zero keeps the pacing up with plenty of extravagant action scenes that keep most viewers engaged. Splitting many reviewers with its bland story, Tai Chi Zero still managed to get a warm reception due to its excellent action and visuals. While the movie did get a US release, it didnt even manage to crack a quarter million dollars at the box office, however, it did get a little more attention in Hong Kong, with 5 nominations at the 3. Hong Kong Film Awards. Tokyo Gore Police 2. Region Japan. When a mad scientist develops a virus that makes people sprout weapons from their injuries. Ultra violent Engineer Hunters are tasked with taking down the infected dubbed engineers. Seeking atonement for the murder of her father, one of the Engineer Hunters becomes infected, beginning to sprout lethal weapons herself, becoming even more of a killing machine than she already was. Taking all the demented blood and guts the title and synopsis would suggest, Tokyo Gore Police dials it up to 1. Despite subject matter many filmgoers would consider off putting, Tokyo Gore Police maintains an 8. Rotten tomatoes, although that only accounts for 1. The Storm Warriors 2. Region Hong Kong. Inspired from the Chinese comic series Fung Wan, which launched in the late 8. The Storm Warriors and its predecessor, The Storm Riders is a Hong Kong Wuxia film about two warriors, Cloud and Wind, who attempt to stop the evil Japanese warlord, Lord Godless, from taking over all of China. Film is Truth 2. 4 Times a Second You can search for a specific title by using your. If you want a specific list such as Silent. German Films, Cary Grant films, or 1. Comedies you can send us an. A La Mode 1. 99. DVDA LAventure 2. DVDA Nos Amours 1. DVDA Nous la Liberte 1. DVDA propos de Nice 1. DVD DVD incl. with Vigo The Complete Jean VigoA. Einstein How I See the World 1. VHSA. C. O. D. 2. DVDA. I. 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