At first, I called this neglected period the Pre Golden Age, but later I coined the phrase Radium Age a moniker which Ive popularized by writing about the era for the scientific journal Nature, Boing Boing, and elsewhere and by reissuing 1. Hi. Lo. Bookss purpose built Radium Age Science Fiction imprint. At io. 9, I published a short series of semi exhaustive posts on the following topics Radium Age Supermen Radium Age Robots Radium Age Apocalypses Radium Age Telepaths Radium Age Eco Catastrophes Radium Age Cover Art 1 SFs Best Year Ever 1. At the time, I took notes for subsequent posts on, e. Air Battles, Antigravity, Interplanetary Voyages, Lost Worlds, Mad Scientists, Time Travel, and Utopias. I collected a roomful of books by Olaf Stapledon, William Hope Hodgson, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Sax Rohmer, Karel apek, Hugo Gernsback, E. E. Doc Smith, H. P. Lovecraft, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Yevgeny Zamyatin, Rudyard Kipling, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle, David Lindsay, John Taine, Jack Williamson, S. Fowler Wright, Gustave Le Rouge, A. Merritt, Murray Leinster, Jean de La Hire, Maurice Renard, Philip Wylie, Aldous Huxley, and many less well known science fiction authors from the time. However, since then Ive moved onto other projects. Still Before I box up the Radium Age books and put them in the attic, I wanted to assemble a list of the 1. Radium Age science fiction novels that Ive most enjoyed. Throughout 2. 01. I did exactly that. Scroll down, to see the full list. Please let me know what 1. Ive overlooked And, if youd like to support the cause, please visit the Hi. Lo. Books homepage youll find Amazon links for all of our Radium Age series. PS Interested in learning more I cant recommend enough Everett F. Bleilers Science Fiction The Early Years 1. JOSH GLENNSOME PRE RADIUM AGE TITLESRADIUM AGE SCI FI THE OUGHTS 1. RADIUM AGE SCI FI THE TEENS 1. RADIUM AGE SCI FI THE TWENTIES 1. SOME POST RADIUM AGE TITLESSOME PRE RADIUM AGE TITLESThe following classics from the science fiction genres Scientific Romance 1. Jules Vernes Journey to the Center of the Earth 1. Jules Vernes From the Earth to the Moon 1. Edward Everett Hales The Brick Moon 1. Jules Vernes Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea 1. Edward Bulwer Lyttons Vril, the Power of the Coming Race 1. Samuel Butlers Erewhon 1. Jules Vernes The Mysterious Island 1. Mary E. Bradley Lanes Mizora World of Women 1. Walter Besants The Revolt of Man 1. Albert Robidas Le Vingtime Sicle 1. E. A. Abbotts Flatland 1. Richard Jeffriess After London 1. W. H. Hudsons A Crystal Age 1. Edward Bellamys Looking Backward 1. Joseph Shield Nicholsons Thoth 1. Robert Louis Stevensons Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde 1. Walter Besants The Inner House 1. William Morriss News from Nowhere 1. Camille Flammarions La Fin du Monde 1. H. G. Wellss The Time Machine 1. Percival Lowells Mars 1. H. G. Wellss The Island of Doctor Moreau 1. H. G. Wellss The Invisible Man 1. H. G. Wellss The War of the Worlds 1. H. G. Wellss When the Sleeper Wakes 1. H. G. Wellss The First Men in the Moon 1. M. P. Shiels The Purple Cloud 1. RADIUM AGE SCI FI THE OUGHTS 1. The Oughts are a kind of interregnum period between sci fis Scientific Romance era 1. Radium Age. Verne, Wells, Kipling, Arnold, Baum and some others who published science fiction from 1. Similarly, the Thirties 1. Radium Age and the so called Golden Age 1. Still, by the end of the Oughts particularly in the annus mirabilis of 1. Radium Ages emergence. For context, see my list of Best Nineteen Oughts Adventure. K. Chestertons The Napoleon of Notting Hill 1. In an alternative history version of England its set in 1. When Auberon Quin, a man who aspires to live life like a medieval adventure, becomes king, he mandates that each of Londons neighborhoods become an independent state, complete with unique local costumes. Everyone goes along with the conceit until young Adam Wayne, a born military tactician, takes the game too seriously and becomes the Napoleon of Notting Hill. War rages throughout the city fought with sword and halberd. Fun fact Irish revolutionary leader Michael Collins is known to have admired The Napoleon of Notting Hill. H. G. Wellss The Food of the Gods 1. Does The Food of the Gods belong on a list of the 1. Best Radium Age Science Fiction novelsI originally determined that the genres pioneering Scientific Romance era ended in 1. H. G. Wells lost his touch. The First Men in the Moon 1. Wellss last terrific sf novel The Food of the Gods is his first un terrific one. However Un terrific Wells is still pretty damn good. A chemical intended to make chickens grow larger accidentally causes plants, wasps, earwigs, and rats to grow as well and it spawns a race of human giants, too, who must struggle to survive. Fun fact The 1. 97. Marvel Classics Comics edition of the story is great. Jules Vernes The Master of the World 1. In this sequel to Vernes 1. Robur the Conqueror, FBI ish Chief Inspector Strock arrives in North Carolina to investigate what appears to be an imminent volcanic eruption. Meanwhile, a supercar is spotting traveling at 1. New England. Aha The brilliant inventor Robur is back, and this time he has invented a ten meter long multi purpose vehicle, The Terror. Waste Wood And Powder Sausage Movie Dvd Quality. Determined to have it for military purposes, the feds first attempt to buy the machine, then attack Robur. With a captive Strock aboard, Robur escapes in The Terror over Niagara Falls, then challenges God by heading into a Caribbean thunderstorm at which point his amazing craft is shattered by lightning. Fun fact Is this one of Vernes best novels No I include it here to demonstrate the context from which Radium Age science fiction emerged. Here we see one of the genres pioneers, at the end of his career and life, questioning mans ability to use science and technology to benefit humankind. Rokeya Sakhawat Hussains Sultanas Dream 1. Originally published in English in The Indian Ladies Magazine of Madras, Hussains story depicts a peaceful, crime free utopia in which women run everything and men are secluded i. Whats more, the women use advanced technology that makes possible laborless farming and flying cars they have solved the problem of solar energy, and control the weather. Most impressively, perhaps The workday is two hours long, since men used to waste six hours of each day in smoking Fun fact One of the first examples of feminist science fiction. The author was a Muslim feminist, writer, and social reformer who lived in British India. Rudyard Kiplings With the Night Mail 1. Kiplings novella follows the exploits of an intercontinental mail dirigible battling the perfect storm. Between London and Quebec we learn that a planet wide Aerial Board of Control A. B. C. now enforces a technocratic system of command and control not only in the skies but in world affairs. Its an impressively nuanced portrait of a future in which dirigibles not airplanes have triumphed. Kipling goes so far as to include excerpts from the Aerial Board of Control Bulletin, complete with letters to the editor, book reviews, and advertisements. An amazing tour de force of inspired genius, according to Bruce Sterling. Kipling, in 1. 90. Robert Heinlein arrived in the late 1. Fun fact Kiplings 1. As Easy As A. B. C. Both titles have been reissued by Hi.