Sherlock is a crime drama television series based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes detective stories. Created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, it stars. Detektiv Conan jap., Meitantei Konan, dt. Meisterdetektiv Conan ist eine seit 1994 laufende, international erfolgreiche Mangareihe des. The Darkest Nightmare is the 20th movie in the Detective Conan franchise and the third about the Black Organization. It was released in Japan on April 16, 2016. Sherlock TV series Wikipedia. Sherlock is a crime drama television series based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes detective stories. Created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, it stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman as Doctor John Watson. Thirteen episodes have been produced, with three part series airing from 2. January 2. 01. 6. The series is set in the present day, while the one off special features a Victorian period fantasy resembling the original Holmes stories. Sherlock is a co production of the British network BBC and the American station WGBH Boston for its Masterpieceanthology series on PBS, along with Hartswood Films, with Moffat, Gatiss, Sue Vertue and Rebecca Eaton serving as executive producers. Sherlock. The 1. 0 Best Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes movies and DVDs. The Best of Sherlock Holmes. Dvd Movie Negadon: The Monster From Mars. By Randall Stock. Basil Rathbone made 1. Sherlock Holmes movies from 1. To many he remains the iconic image of the great detective. While all these films are worth watching, some are better than others. This list identifies the top ten Holmes movies starring Basil Rathbone. It provides details about each movie, recommends the best DVD version, and suggests how to build a Rathbone collection. See also my list of the Years Best Sherlock Holmes movies and TV on DVD Blu ray. Ranking, Reviews, and Scores. There are plenty of places on the Internet that provide movie reviews and rankings. However, they all have various limitations, and to get a really good assessment you should check several different sources and then somehow combine their selections. All of that can take a lot of time, so Ive done the research and analysis for you and put it all in a single list. You can read the details of the ranking process below. Scores provide a simple value for comparing the relative positions of each movie. There are many cheap and low quality versions of these movies on DVD and VHS. Dont waste your time or money. Ive listed high quality DVDs below, and called out a few as highly recommended based on the picturesound quality, movie ranking, extras, and price. See the key to movie entries for more details. This page includes details on all 1. DVD notes, a description of DVD Double Feature and Box sets, and my overall recommendation for DVDs. My website also has lists of the Years Best Sherlock Holmes books and DVDs, the best Holmes gifts for new fans, and information about an excellent book about the Basil Rathbone Holmes movies. Dont miss this outstanding combination get two of the top three Rathbone Holmes films plus extras for less than 2. The Adventures provides Holmes in his classic 1. The Scarlet Claw is unquestionably the best of the modern movies set in the 1. Both films have very good sound and picture quality. Although the cover art is in color and some retailers list them as color movies, these are both in their original atmospheric black and white. DVD Notes See full details for the Adventures DVD Double Feature. Content refers to movie ranking. You can buy both films as standalone DVDs see links above to the movies, but at almost twice the cost of this Double Feature. The standalone Adventures includes a few more extras but these are not critical and the Scarlet Claw extras are not available with that standalone edition. I did not see a significant difference in picture quality between the standalone versions and the Double Feature, and have no hesitation in recommending the Double Feature as a best buy. See this DVD at Amazon. Your other option for these movies would be to get the Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection Boxed Set, which includes all 1. Thats a good value if you really want all the movies, but may be more than you want to spend. See the next entry for my recommended core collection of Essentials. Top 1. Those with a limited budget should first get the Double Feature AdventuresScarlet Claw. After that, your next purchase should be this Double Feature Hound of the BaskervillesPursuit to Algiers. It also costs less than 2. Holmes novel plus another Holmes film set in the 1. With these two purchases, youll have the three best Rathbone movies, several good extras, and a fourth Holmes film as a bonus. DVD Notes See full details for the Hound DVD Double Feature. Content refers to movie rankingSee this DVD at Amazon. But if you really want all 1. Rathbone films, consider the Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection Boxed Set listed next. Top 1. 0. This is by far the best deal for someone who wants high quality versions of all 1. Rathbone Holmes films. And if it happens to be on sale for less than 7. Rathbone collection. DVD Notes MPI Home Video released June 2. Region 1 US and Canada onlyFull Screen, Black and White, Mono, optional English subtitles. Universal Pictures films restored by UCLAFilms are arranged on DVD in the order of their original release. The set consists of the following refers to movie ranking DVD 1. DVD 5 1. 0 Terror by Night1. Dressed to Kill, plus commentary by Patricia Morison, David Gregory and Richard Valley. Photo Galleries 5, covers all filmsTheatrical trailers not restored for 6 films The Spider Woman, The Scarlet Claw, The Pearl of Death, The House of Fear, Terror by Night, and Dressed to Kill. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle interview excerpt from 1. Movietone filmCOMPARISONSAll of the DVDs on this page provide high quality picture and sound, so to get all 1. I looked at all combinations of these items, and unless there is an incredible sale on the 4 DVD Boxed Sets, your best choice for all 1. The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection. The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection includes all the on DVD material found in the other DVDs plus an audio commentary for Dressed to Kill. However, it does not include the detailed booklets of production notes. Those booklets are nice to have, but most people can find similar information online if they want it. Unlike the 4 DVD boxed sets, this set includes more than one movie on a DVD and therefore these versions may have more compression. That said, the film quality on the Complete collection is still very good. The cardboard box packaging of the Complete collection is bare bones and much lower in quality than the containers for the other DVDs and boxed sets. Some reviewers found it easy to damage the box. It does, however, store the entire collection in a compact 1 14 inch wide package. See this DVD Boxed Set at Amazon. If instead you want a core collection of just the best films, get the two Double Features noted above. And consider the other Double Feature DVDs if you want expand your collection. Top 1. 0 Details on all of the Sherlock Holmes movies with Basil Rathbone, listed in rank order. See the key to entries for explanations of the entry structure. Score 1. Professor Moriarty plans to steal the crown jewels from the Tower of London. Starring Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, Ida Lupino and Alan Marshal. First Release 1 September 1. Run Time 8. 5 minutes. Based on the play Sherlock Holmes by William Gillette with the permission of the executors of the late Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Details of the Fox Holmes series. Film Notes Set in the Victorian period, this was Rathbones second appearance as Holmes, and the last made by Twentieth Century Fox. Most of the plot from the Gillette play was discarded. The American Film Institute AFI credits the picture with one of the top 1. Elementary, my dear Watson as number 6. DVD Notes single film version MPI Home Video released April 2. Region 1 US and Canada onlyFull Screen, Black and White, Mono, optional English subtitles. Audio commentary by Richard Valley. Production notes by Richard Valley 8 page bookletPhoto gallery and selected trailers. DVD Best Value in the highly recommended Adventures Double Feature. Also part of the Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection Boxed Set. See this DVD at Amazon. Top 1. 0 Score 9. An ancient curse, a spectral hound, and a mysterious death bring Holmes to Dartmoor in his most famous case. Starring Richard Greene, Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, and Wendy Barrie. First Release 3. March 1. Run Time 8. 0 minutes. Adapted from The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Details of the Fox Holmes series. Film Notes Rathbone made his first appearance as Holmes in this film, and its the first Holmes film ever to be set in the proper Victorian period. Its also a reasonably faithful adaption of the original book. The movie adds a seance which contributes nicely to the atmosphere and fits with Conan Doyles later interests. Top billing went to Greene in this film but to Rathbone in all the others. DVD Notes single film version MPI Home Video released April 2.