Cole Ninjago Wiki FANDOM powered by Wikia. Cole is the current Elemental Master of Earth and a Ninja. Cole was recruited by Wu to become a Ninja alongside Jay, Zane, Kai and Lloyd. Over time, they became close friends and fought in many battles against the Serpentine and Stone Army. Buy Shaun The Sheep The Movie Read 3212 Movies TV Reviews Amazon. Cole is the current Elemental Master of Earth and a Ninja. Cole was recruited by Wu to become a. After the final battle, peace resumed until The Overlord returned and corrupted the Nindroid army. During this time, a love triangle formed between Nya, Jay and Cole. The conflict ended when Zane sacrificed himself to vanquish The Overlord. Saddened by Zanes death, the Ninja parted ways, but reunited after learning of Zanes survival and set out to rescue Zane on a mysterious island. There, Jay and Cole made amends over Nya, while the Ninja allied with the Elemental Masters to defeat Chens army. Download Foodfight! Movie Score' title='Download Foodfight! Movie Score' />Shortly after, the Ninja battled Morro and spirits from the Cursed Realm. Yearning to learn Airjitzu, the Ninja went to Yangs Temple, where Cole was turned into a ghost. He eventually came to terms with his new condition and use his new abilities. Shortly after the Battle of Stiix, the Ninja were tormented by Nadakhan, who captured Cole in the Sword of Souls. Black Hat Full Movie. Though Cole and the others were freed, Nya died, but Jay used his last wish to undo recent events. On the Day of the Departed, Cole confronted Yang, who tricked Cole into reviving the Ninjas old enemies. As his allies fought the villains, Cole fought Yang, but eventually made amends with him, and Cole became a human once more via the Rift of Return. Cole later joined his allies in battling the Time Twins and their Vermillion army, as well as seeking the powerful Time Blades. Biography. Early Life. As a child, Coles father sent him to the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts, hoping that he would follow in his footsteps and become a dancer. Unwilling to do so but reluctant to displease his father, Cole secretly ran away from the school, occasionally writing to his father to claim that he was still following the dancers path. Cole began drifting from place to place, always seeking new challenges to test his strength and skill. He first met Master Wu while climbing the highest mountain in Ninjago. Learning that he had great potential, he followed the old master to the Monastery of Spinjitzu and began training to become a Ninja. Seeking the Golden Weapons. Eventually, Cole was joined in his training by two others, Jay and Zane. After they had trained together for a time, Master Wu assigned them to attack his newest student, Kai, as part of the latters final test. While Kai was preparing for bed, the three snuck into the monastery and surrounded him. Their fight against Kai eventually took them out into the training yard only for Wu to break up the fight. Like the others, Cole was reluctant when their master revealed Kai would be the fourth member of the team, stating that the three were already solid together. Wu quickly quieted the matter and provided the Ninja with new gis using Spinjitzu. Coles suit however remained black, as Wu pronounced him the black Ninja of Earth. After Wu explained their purpose, he announced that they would now leave to claim the first Golden Weapon. As a team building exercise, Wu had the Ninja pull him in the carriage to the Caves of Despair. On the way, the four Ninja told the circumstances of how they met Master Wu and agreed that if it hadnt been for their master, they would never be seen together. Upon arriving at the Caves of Despair, Cole created a plan on how to infiltrate the Skulkin camp, but was unable to execute it as Kai ran off on his own. The three other Ninja followed and after stealing the map to Golden Weapons from Samukai, managed to locate the Scythe of Quakes. The Ninja hoped to sneak out while the Skulkin were busy, but Jay unintentionally alerted the skeletons to their presence and thus were waiting when the Ninja emerged from the caves. The Ninja faced their foes and in the process managed to unlock Spinjitzu. The Skeletons quickly retreated, as the Ninja unfortunately had awoken the Earth Dragon. After Kai attempted to use the Scythe to ward off the beast, Cole advised the others to use Spinjitzu to escape. After getting the Scythe, the Ninja set out to find the next three Golden Weapons. Traveling by boat with Cole as pilot, the Ninja sought the next weapon, the Shurikens of Ice. While on the boat, Master Wu informed the four about the Tornado of Creation and what it is capable of doing. After they claimed the golden weapon, the Ninja then ascended to the Floating Ruins for the Nunchucks of Lightning. Using one of Jays inventions, they escaped to the Forest of Tranquility. That night the Ninja celebrated their success thus far and Cole played a pair of drums for the others to dance to. Later that night, the Black Ninja was awoken by the Skulkins who captured him, Zane, and Jay, and reclaimed the three Golden Weapons. After they left to unite the weapons in the Underworld, Jay managed to free the two and they gave chase, quickly catching up to the Skull Truck. Cole managed to slow the truck down long enough for the three Ninja to board, though while he was fighting Kruncha and Nuckal, Cole accidentally hit Jay in the throat with his scythe, causing the Blue Ninja to loose his voice. Eventually Samukai took control of the Skull Truck and accelerated into the Underworld just after the three Ninja fell off. Cole, Jay, and Zane journeyed to the Fire Temple in search of Kai and Master Wu, but they found no sign of their friend or mentor. However, the Fire Temple quickly split in half, revealing Kai and Nya on top of the Fire DragonCole, for his part, immediately hid in fear of the massive beast. Kai explained what had happened and revealed that dragons can cross into the Underworld, allowing them to follow Master Wu and the Skulkin, but Colein an attempt to avoid flying on a dragons backclaimed that they will not all fit on the Fire Dragons back. However, this inspired Kai to recruit the other three elemental Dragons, and Cole ended up nervously clinging to the poles on the Earth Dragons back as the beasts crossed over to the Underworld. Upon arriving in the Underworld, the Ninja attempted to sneak past the skeletons by using stalactites, but they dropped right outside Garmadons fortress after they mistakenly grabbed Spykor legs instead. Surrounded by hordes of spiders and skeletons, Jay suggested using the Tornado of Creation. Despite Coles concerns about the potential disastrous consequences Master Wu had spoken of, he led the Ninja in performing the technique, allowing them to defeat their foes. With the path clear, Cole and the other Ninja entered Garmadons fortress to find Master Wu battling Samukai with the Golden Weapons. He watched as his mentor was beaten by Samukai, who took up all four weapons and threatened to usurp Garmadon. However, the power overwhelmed Samukai, transforming him into a portal that he escaped into. With their enemy gone for the moment, the Ninja rushed to help Master Wu, taking the Golden Weapons for their own use. Cole and the other Ninja then journeyed to Four Weapons Blacksmith where they reunited with Nya and vowed to be ready when Garmadon returned. Ninjago at Peace. Against Master Wus orders to train, the Ninja spent much of their time racing with their dragons. After Jay won a race, he began trying to convince the others of his superiority. To silence his bragging teammate, Cole challenged his comrades to another race, saying that the winner would be Dragon Master for a month. During the race, Cole and Jay sped through the forest, dodging around the trees. Coles dragon failed to dodge one tree, but neither rider nor steed was harmed. The Ninja regrouped as they approached the finish line, prompting Cole to reveal his secret weapon a roasted chicken on a pole that he dangled in front of his dragons nose. With the turbo engaged, Cole quickly sped back to the Monastery, claiming victory. To his dismay, Kai claimed that they would beat him tomorrow.