Porky Pig is an animated cartoon character in the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies. Direkter Download bei folgenden OneClickHostern mglich shareonline. PremiumAccount 14 Tage kostenlos testen. Because any trip to see a Soviet shuttle is worth it as long as no ones wearing handcuffs at the end. A group of YouTubers going by the name Exploring the Unbeaten. The Tasmanian Devil, commonly referred to as Taz, is an animated cartoon character featured in the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of cartoons. Best Podcasts For 2. Real Time With Bill Maher This one, meanwhile, is Have I Got News For You with a metric shitload more swearing plus a little more bite and viciousness than Gosh, isnt Ed Milibands voice funny Its an audio version of red meat liberal Bill Mahers HBO show, giving us a top of the line comic plus guests from politics, stand up and the media tearing into the rotten state of American government. British TV and radio keep failing to replicate this format chiefly because we have no one like Maher, the left wing PJ ORourke. Little Atoms Pamper your brain with books, ideas, the arts, politics and whatever else comes up in an engaging, irreverent and unashamedly intellectual podcast that makes Radio 4s Front Row sound like the E Channel. The lo fi production values check those creaky armchairs compound the impression of rubbing leather padded jacket elbows with a splendidly down at heel slice of the intelligentsia. Le Show With Harry Shearer Some voices were just born for radio. So it is with the bound leather tones of Harry Shearer, Spinal Taps Derek Smalls and the voice of The Simpsons Principal Skinner, who has been presenting this witty mix of liberal political snark, comic observation and weird news from around the world since 1. SEE ALSO 5. 0 Songs That Make You Feel Like A Man. The Greatest Spy Movies Of All Time. Books Every Man Should Read By The Time Hes 3. The Pod Delusion This cheerfully sceptical podcast about interesting things looks at the world from a fiercely rationalist perspective. Its a partner of the British Humanist Association and the name, of course, is a hat tip to Richard Dawkins atheist bible The God Delusion. Each episode takes a leisurely but eye opening look at issues as varied as the iffy history of Assassins Creed, Greeces Golden Dawn and the non human civil rights of captive killer whales. Itll give you hope that the world isnt really vanishing down a wormhole of superstition, and make you feel about 5. The Nerdist Your average radio interview can end up boringly formulaic, with three predictable questions wrapped up by a plug for the guests latest project. Being open ended, podcasts can ramble on for as long as they like and horror Geeky interlocutor Chris Hardwick takes full advantage of this, coming up with entertaining and properly insightful sit downs with characters as diverse as Harrison Ford, Vince Breaking Bad Gilligan, Dave Grohl and porn star turned actress Sasha Grey. Pop Culture Happy Hour From NPR Americas state funded National Public Radio can be a little brown rice and world music sometimes but theyve got a grip on movies, music and the Internet thats beyond most British broadcasters. In this weekly roundtable its pundits dig into the thinking persons entertainment story of the week, be it Mad Men, Downton Abbey or the shambolic VMAs. In one episode they explained why a key swearword in Firefly translates as Holy Testicle Tuesday in Mandarin. Advertisement Continue Reading Below. Mark Kermode And Simon Mayos Film Reviews Scandalously, Britains single best source of quality movie commentary goes out on Radio 5. Live on Friday afternoons when normal people are hard at work. But Its a podcast too, so you can sit ringside as bequiffed cineaste Mark the Good Doctor Kermode and voice of the common man Simon Mayo pass judgment in the weeks releases and talk to the odd film star too. This is a listing of all the animated shorts released by Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies banners between 1970 and today, plus a listing of. Bliss it is when Kermode really gets his teeth into a stinker like Keith Lemon The Film. Radio Lab From WNYC Like an audio edition of Horizon remixed by Boards Of Canada and Chris The Day Today Morris, the oblique documentary series Radiolab, from New Yorks public station WNYC, riffs on a big, big subject like colour, time or numbers until it become a sound experience in its own right. Hard facts collide with a playful sonic approach and the effect is like a dream where you learn stuff. In the episode on colour they used the harmonics of a choir to illustrate how dogs see the spectrum. Amazing, right 3. The Comedians Comedian With Stuart Goldsmith Stand up comics talking about the foundation and technique of comedy ought to be about as interesting as golfers talking about their swing great for insiders, not so much for the rest of us. But in these free ranging hour long conversations with noted joke architects like Al Murray, Greg Proops and Richard Herring, interviewer Stuart Goldsmith steers the chat towards entertaining revelation and deftly stomps on any preciousness or tears of a clown clichs. Listen and youll never heckle a stand up again. The Football Ramble You know what would be nice If every sports radio station on earth didnt dump all its shows into i. Tunes as well, making it harder to find worthwhile independent shows like the excellent Football Ramble. Download Looney Tunes: Stranger Than Fiction For Free ' title='Download Looney Tunes: Stranger Than Fiction For Free ' />Here a handful of actual fans civilians who buy their own tickets, not self congratulatory pundits or shiny suited ex players up in the Green Room talk over the weeks footballing issues. Its the antithesis of so called banter on so called soccer sofas, and ideal if you love our national sport but cringe when you hear the words the beautiful game. The Thrilling Adventure Hour Its a brilliantly original idea a spot on recreation of old time US radio drama from the Thirties and Forties that both sends up these corny, wholesome wireless serials and shows real affection for a homespun era before irony ruined everything. Its those four words that always bring a delicate balance of hope and dread to fans Looney Tunes Super Stars. Four long years after the last new compilation in. Imaginary Worlds. If you love science fiction youre usually faced with 57 embarrassing varieties of Comic Book Guystyle nerdery on the comment front. Offers 50 GB of free storage space. Uploaded files are encrypted and only the user holds the decryption keys. Fake serials including Sparks Nevada, Marshal On Mars, Amelia Earheart, Fearless Flier and Down in Moonshine Holler are rendered with songs, wisecracks and handmade sound effects before a live audience in Hollywood. Youll laugh like a space coyote. WTF With Marc Maron This high intensity twice weekly interview podcast is about as far as you can imagine from a chummy little chat between showbusiness insiders. Having paid his dues both in performance and his personal life addiction, booze, bitter divorce LA based stand up comic Marc Maron persuades a stellar line up to come round to his garage yes, his garage and open up in ways that conventional media seldom sees. Robin Williams, Edgar Wright, Josh Homme and Thom Yorke are among the guests in an interview series unlike any other. Dripped Online here.