TARGETEDINDIVIDUALSIRELAND. NET My experiences of being targeted with voice harassment technology called voice to skull technology and by directed energy weapons in the distant past. The technology induced voices coming from inside my head once told me that I had been put on a program for government which is a system of punishing people who do not fully comply with the shadow government, which is an illigitimate criminal organisation which stands behind the scenes of legitimate governments all over the world. The technology induced voices coming from inside my head told me that they speak directly into my cranium, through a system of direct voice communication that was developed in the early 1. The voice communication system is available to a portion of the police, military and government staff from all government departments, in all EU countries. It is also available to independent contractors who are the predominant users of this direct voice communication system. The technology induced voices coming from inside my head informed me that they are obliged to target docile members of society who will not have the communication skills to reveal their unique experiences of being targeted by directed energy weapons, to the general public. They are also obliged to select people for targeting who do not have a lot to give back to society, for example people who are mentally ill or who are work shy. The voice communication network have given me information in stages, throughout our vocal interactions. At another incidence of hearing their voices, the direct voice communication further informed me that the program I have been put on is classified as a secret enslavement program, because money has changed hands in order to gain access to secretly experiment on both my brain and body. This capability of remote experimentation on both humans and animals is currently being enabled by wifi, which is further enabled by brain link capabilities, which are attached to a super computer, which is currently located in Maryland, in the U. S. A. There are several wifi enabled slaves in Ireland currently. This enslavement program is currently being carried out by black budget neuro scientists, who now have a large workforce of assistants, but who plan to use artificial intelligence rather than a human workforce in the future, in order to expand their number of wifi enabled slaves, who are slaves by proxy. The technology induced voices coming from inside my head also told me that the type of brain machine interface which the signals intelligence operatives used to hack into my brain and force their voices into my cranium without my permission is called a quantum loop interface. The technology induced voices coming from inside my head told me that the pattern recognition aspects of the brain research which they carried out on my brain had shown astonishingly accurate results. The technology induced voices coming from inside my head once explained to me how they were able to map the human body from a remote location, with the use of directed energy weapons. They force energy into the body of the targeted individual, and then they record the effects of the sensations the targeted individual feels. In that way, they can then gain a map of all the neurons in the body of the targeted individual. This process takes many years and many aborted attempts, because the targeted individual sometimes moves around in the middle of the operation. Image-027.jpg' alt='Is The Man Who Is Tall Happy?: An Animated Conversation With Noam Chomsky Online English' title='Is The Man Who Is Tall Happy?: An Animated Conversation With Noam Chomsky Online English' />Independent Radio and Audio Tapes on the untold story the impact of big corporations on society. Offers news, comment and features about the British arts scene with sections on books, films, music, theatre, art and architecture. Requires free registration. Breitbart TV is the home of the hottest video on politics, world events, culture, and media. This is why the signals intelligence operatives do most of their work while the targeted individual is asleep. If the targeted individual is feeling too cold or too warm while the neuro scientists are trying to map the human body, the neuro scientists can not successfully carry out their work because the cold or hot signals will override the other bodily sensations they are trying to record. When the brain and body of the targeted individual is finally fully mapped, the remote neural monitoring people can finally see a full profile of the naked body of said targeted individual. I have been led to believe by direct voice communications that the remote neural monitoring people can also see the insides of the human body and brain of the targeted individual. This information has not been authenticated. The technology induced voices coming from inside my head told me at one time in the distant past that they were told to treat me with an extreme level of distain when ever they spoke to me in order to drive me to a state of deep despair which would further enable them to manipulate me more easily and without much trouble due to my feelings of hopelessness. They also told me that when I am writing about receiving voice transmissions directly into my brain centre, I must always use the phrase voices downloaded into the hearing centre of my brain rather than voices transmitted into the hearing centre of my brain. I was informed by the technology induced voices coming from inside my head that I was rejected by one particular group of neuroscientists for further investigation due to a lack of infrastructure in my home. The direct voice communications outlined the fact that their experimentators do not have the legal right to install any technology into my home other than that which I have installed there myself. However, the voice to skull direct communications network have claimed that extra unnecessary technology has been installed among the telephone installations on a telephone pole adjacent to my home. I was also told by direct voice communications that, in some instances, it might be possible for operatives to place open source technology in a vehicle near the home of the targeted individual, in order to transmit energy into the home of a targeted individual who does not have electrical sources near their heads and bodies. They said that this was not possible in my case, as I live in a rural area, and the operatives, conducting the research close to my home could be apprehended by the police. From Up On Poppy Hill Full Movie. If that solution proves unworkable, a second solution the criminal neuroscientists sometimes employ is to move the targeted individual to a secure location such as a prison or a mental hospital, by falsely accusing the target of committing a crime, or falsely accusing the target of being mentally ill. The voices coming from inside my head once told me, in the distant past, that the data analysis procured from the remote weapons testing of human beings and animals is sold on to individuals, who further sell it on to large corporations. This information is then used to formulate plans with regard to military takeover of humanity at some undetermined time in the not too distant future. This scenario is repeated all over the world on other weapons test subjects, other than this particular weapons test subject, who is currently writing down this information that I, a weapons testing operative of many years standing, am dictating to her, word for word. On one occasion I was exercising suitable distain for the voice communications network. The direct voices inside my head expressed astonishment that I was not more pliable at that late stage of the non consensual brain and body experimentation and manipulation. The direct voice communication then ordered a colleague to insert a loop in my thinking so that I would be more acquiescent. Web oficial de la Universidad de A Corua. Enlaces a centros, departamentos, servicios, planes de estudios. When a targeted individual focuses their awareness inwards, inside their bodies, they are aware that there is a foreign energy surging inside their bodies. This energy surges over different organs or muscle structures at different times of the day. Sometimes, when I would focus my awareness internally, I would feel strong surges of foreign energy circulating around and inside my stomach area, with extreme force. I have been informed by the direct voice communications that a direct current of electricity radio waves is coming out of my body at all times, which would register on a meter reader.