Directed by Steve Barron. With Judith Hoag, Elias Koteas, Josh Pais, David Forman. Four teenage mutant ninja turtles emerge from the shadows to protect New York City. Movie Trailers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ' title='Movie Trailers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ' />Well after much development and lots and lots of internet rumours flying around about this and that, we finally got the rebooted vision of our beloved Turtles. A movie that most dreaded for understandable reasons. Most of these fears are unfortunately realised within reality pretty quickly Im afraid to say. Within the first ten minutes we see a fight hidden in the shadows and where a turtle manages to hurl one of those gigantic metal shipping containers at the bad guys. Within the same first ten minutes we also see Shredders face unmasked and within the first twenty minutes or so April ONeil get fired from her job as a reporter. The films just started and already we have two key Turtle elements out the window and apparently the turtles are mutants with super duper strength. So naturally the plot has been somewhat tinkered with when compared to previous incarnations of the Turtles and the original comicbook material. So naturally this means things dont make a lick of sense here in this movie. Screen Rant talks to the stars of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows about making the sequel and how it improves upon the first film. Here we discover that Splinter was not the pet of a Japanese man nor was he a Japanese man mutated into a rat, instead he was rescued with the four turtles by a very young ONeil from a medical research lab and released into the sewer. So this does tend to beg the question. Splinter Japanese Japanese attire from Japanese style and why does he speak like a wise old Japanese man Are you telling me he got all this from the conveniently lost book of ninjutsu he found in the sewer I could ask where on earth they get all their other stuff from such as their weapons but I guess you could throw that at the previous movies too. Were ninjas, were mutants, technically were turtles. Oh geez got that covered then. Why would Mikey even say were teenagers There are various plot issues throughout but frankly I cant be bothered to go through them all and also you can forgive to a degree because the Turtles have gone through many changes over various incarnations. But there are some things I must pick at like an annoying spot on your face. The turtles. geez where to begin Well firstly their look. Goombas. They actually look quite unnerving, scary and creepy truth be told, and lets not forget this is suppose to be for the kids. The next major thing you notice is how fucking massive they are, have they been living on pizza topped with steroids Raph is here its utterly ridiculous, theyre so big I dunno how they all fit into their turtle van at the end. Their size makes things very uneven in the film, they are so big that fighting Foot clan soldiers is like a walk in the park. They are throwing these bad guys around like rag dolls, tossing them all over the place which is probably resulting in their deaths kids film. At one point a Foot soldier gets thrown through a moving subway trains window as it passes through the station Whats more these Foot soldiers all carry automatic weapons Yep these turtles are pretty much invincible in this movie, bullets bounce off their shells, they can knock bullets and projectiles out of the air with their hand weapons, they are giants with superhero muscles, they are able to withstand heavy impacts into large vehicles like Hummers whilst actually destroying that vehicle in the process, in fact any major fall or impact does nothing to them and basically they look like space monsters and talk like eerie stalker type weirdos. Do NOT say a word about this to anyone. If you do, we will find you, April ONeil. K As for old Splinter well Ive already asked a few questions about him, but my next problem was how he looked. When I say ugly I mean horrible What the hell with his eyes manI realise theyre trying for a realistic approach but my God he looked evil with those eyes. The other thing was his whip like tail, where did that come from OK I realise how that sounds but come on. Download The New Futurama: The Beast With A Billion Backs Movie there. Splinter doesnt do that, he doesnt take baddies down with a tentacle like tail. This leads me to the final main character in Shredder, they just dont learn to they. The general appearance of Shredder is fine, he wears the samurai armour, his helmet is pretty near the mark, his voice is deep and gravelly and from a distance he actually looks cool. Its only on closer inspection and in the light we see how far they have taken it and how badly they have fucked it up. Firstly he looks like The Silver Samurai and is errmm. This is a case of the Predator wrist blades from Av. P but then add on about. I dunno. six or more all sticking out all over the place. His arms look like a flippin penknife, all thats missing is the corkscrew. But to add salt into the wound Shredder now fires lots of smaller blades from his wrists too, a seemingly endless supply of them, oh and they all appear to be homing knives too because he can summon them back to his wrists, handy. I want you to drain every ounce of their blood, even if it kills them. Errr wut of course that will kill them. In all honesty when the movie is set at night and in and around the sewers its not too bad, squint hard enough and you could almost make out a Turtles movie in here. Alas it doesnt last long before it goes absolutely berserk again. I mean of course the idiotic mountain sequence complete with a huge arctic, hummers, turtles tobogganing down the snowy mountain, bouncing between the crashing vehicles fighting Foot soldiers whilst being completely impervious too injury and all rendered in glorious CGI with greenscreens for your viewing pleasure. Seriously no injuries whatsoever after that turn of events, seriously. Whats really dumb is how big is that flippin mountain The sequence is about I dunno. Where was this mountainI wont have a go at everything here, believe it or not some of it was OK. CGI was nice of course, the turtles did look realistic cant deny that. The fights were well created and looked fast and furious which was cool, nice to see Splinter actually kick some ass for once. The turtles sewer home was also nicely crafted and looked recognisable to previous versions but with some decent touch ups in pop culture and technology. Typically though the bad outweighs the good tenfold, Im not even completely sure who this movie is aimed at because I dont think Liebesman and co could make their minds up. Can someone please explain to me how the four turtles and ONeil survive that last fall from the top of that skyscraper.