Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Maestro

Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Maestro

Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Maestro 8,0/10 7250votes

Fox with a Velvet Tail Mondo Macabro Blu Ray Diabolik. DVDThis 1. 97. 1  ItalianSpanish giallo is a hugely enjoyable and very stylish murder mystery set on the luxurious Cte dAzur. Spanish director Jos Mara Forqu who later made the controversial Beyond Erotica brings together a talented and good looking cast, one of the best cinematographers of the day Alejandro Ulloa and a fantastic, lounge style score from Maestro Piccioni to create a twisty, and twisted, tale of deception and revenge. The directors long career at the more prestigious end of Spanish cinema and the presence of award winning scripter Rafael Azcona who worked with many top European  film  makers   give the film an edge of sophistication alongside its enjoyably devious narrative. The film is like the smooth blue waters of the Mediterranean where its set. It looks inviting and seductive, the sun glistening off the gentle waves but just beneath the surface, sharks are swimming, and theyre hungry for preyREGION A For North AmericaWidescreen 1. PCM Mono. New 4k transfer from negative. Little Shop of Horrors is a 1986 American rock musical horror comedy film directed by Frank Oz. It is a film adaptation of the offBroadway musical comedy of the same. Home theater equipment review publication that features av preamp, receiver, speaker, bluray player and more reviews. Losing Wes Craven and now George Romero was a tough blow. They were both two of my favorite directors during my discovery years. Argento has always been the. Search. Search guides by a keyword, such as dvd or matroska. The system will automatically search for that word in the titles and keywords of the guides. Fully restored. Audio commentary by Troy Howarth. So Sweet, So Perverse documentary. Original Trailer. Alternate scenes. I/51V75P8GGVL._SY445_.jpg' alt='Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Maestro ' title='Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Maestro ' />Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Maestro New artwork from Justin Coffee. Newly created English subtitles. EnglishItalian audio choice. Mondo Macabro previews. Contains reviews, plot summary, trailer and image gallery. Andrei Tarkovskys Nostalghia on Blu ray. Tarkovskys films embody another paradox. Despite his struggles with censors and cultural arbiters, he could only have made his movies under highly particular conditions however suspect, he was the Soviet film industrys designated artist. Russia was his subject. Self exiled to the West in 1. Tarkovsky was a man without a country. Hence, Nostalghia. He always insisted on the untranslated title, a term for a distinct Russian melancholy or even illness that, he explained, can only be contracted in a foreign country. Suffering an acute case, the protagonist is a dour Russian poet Oleg Yankovsky, the father in Tarkovskys quasi autobiographical The Mirror, from 1. Italy to research the life of an 1. Russian expatriate. For the first hour, Andrei and his young translator guide Domiziana Giordano, a neophyte actress at once carnal and angelic engage in a petulant nonaffair of mutual misinterpretation. He scorns her earnest attempt to read Russian poetry by Tarkovskys father, Arseny in translation, rails against Italian decadence, invites and rejects her sexual interest. You dress badly, and youre boring is her exasperated response. Youre the kind Id sleep with rather than explaining why I dont feel like it. The tirade gives him a bloody nose. Photo. Domiziana Giordano plays a translator guide to a Russian expatriate in Italy in Andrei Tarkovskys Nostalghia. Credit. Kino Lorber Andrei is oppressed by both the magnificence of Italian culture and tawdry values of the West. Longing for his homeland, hes unable to return until he fulfills an obscure private destiny. Opportunity arises when, days before his departure, he encounters a kindred soul Ingmar Bergmans alter ego, Erland Josephson, a madman who, waiting for Armageddon, locked his family in a house for seven years. In the films final movement, Andrei himself performs the holy fools act of faith. Tarkovsky collaborated on the Nostalghia script with Tonino Guerra, co writer of every Antonioni film from LAvventura through Blow Up, as well as Fellinis Amarcord. There are echoes of both directors in the mise en scne, but Nostalghia was filmed in locations that most reminded Tarkovsky of the home he would renounce. The movie is all about finding Russia in Italy a moldering 1. Tuscan spa is filmed as though it were a detritus clogged backwater out of Stalker or a vaporous figment of Prince Myshkins imagination. Watch Top Cat Begins Hd. I cannot live in Russia, nor can I live here, Tarkovsky wrote in his diary, days after the 1. Cannes film festival. He remained in the West in part because he believed Soviet authorities instructed a fellow director and Cannes jury member, Serge Bondarchuk, to keep Nostalghia from winning the Palm dOr. If Nostalghia is not Tarkovskys most personal film, it is arguably his most self reflexive. He articulates his own uncertain condition. Nostalghia lacks the confidence of his Soviet films. The artist tries too hard to impress and yet his mastery of the medium is such that he succeeds. COMING SOONTHE ACT OF KILLING Former leaders of Indonesia death squads are encouraged to act out their cinematic fantasies in Joshua Oppenheimers provocative documentary. Mr. Oppenheimers camera observes the rehearsal and shooting of scenes that matter of factly evoke unspeakable moments of cruelty and that occasionally arouse powerful emotional responses in participants, A. O. Scott wrote in The New York Times in July. Drafthouse FilmsCAT PEOPLE Paul Schraders lubricious 1. B movie classic casts Malcolm Mc. Dowell and Nastassja Kinski as a pair of shape shifting siblings. Note for cat lovers The black panthers are superb, Vincent Canby wrote in The Times in 1. Shout FactoryIN A WORLD The actress Lake Bell wrote, directed and starred in this independent comedy about Hollywood voice over artists. Ms. Bell, who plays Carol with a perfect blend of diffidence, goofiness and charm, has written and directed an insightful comedy that is much more complex and ambitious than it sometimes seems, Mr. Scott wrote in The Times in August. Sony Pictures Home EntertainmentOUR NIXON Footage shot by the disgraced presidential aides and Super 8 film buffs Dwight Chapin, John Ehrlichman and H. R. Haldeman provide the raw material for Penny Lanes documentary. DocuramaCAESAR MUST DIE The Taviani brothers stage a Pirandellian version of Shakespeares Julius Caesar in and cast with the inmates of a Roman prison. The Tavianis seem to want you to infer something about the inmates from the lines they recite, as when Cassius Cosimo Rega, while washing his hands in Caesars blood, states that the assassins scene will be repeated, a nod at past and future murders as well as at other less bloody performances, Manohla Dargis wrote in The Times in February. Adopt FilmsContinue reading the main story.

Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Maestro
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