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Throughout their battles, the Autobots are aided by three human children and with their help attempt to protect the Earth from the villainous Decepticons and their leader Megatron. Online shopping from a great selection at Movies TV Store. Victoria Duffield, Actress Do You Know Me Victoria Duffield is an actress, known for Do You Know Me 2009, Christmas Miracle 2012 and Love Sick Secrets of a. Ever wish there were a Netflixstyle subscription service for brand new movies that just released in theaters Well, there is. Its called MoviePass, and now for. Transformers Prime is an American computeranimated television series based on the Transformers toy franchise by Hasbro that aired on Hub Network from November 29. Inside Social. The biggest and latest apps and platforms, plus trends and insights on the biggest online discussions. The last time we checked in for our staffs Weekly Upgrades, our editors were busy noise cancelling, meal prepping, and experimenting with calmer commute options. DirectToU, LLC is the seller of all TCM merchandise and is solely responsible for all aspects of your purchase. Hyde Park Group is a strategic culinary company connecting consumer insight to new food and beverage design. We deliver trendforward new products. Development of the series began in early 2. Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, screenwriters of the first two live action films, would be creating the series. Casting began soon after with the announcement that Peter Cullen and Frank Welker would reprise their roles as Optimus Prime and Megatron. According to executive producer Jeff Kline, the two characters, along with Bumblebee, were considered must haves for the series and from that point on, they tried to include characters that would contemplate their personalities rather than emulate them. From the early stages of development, a story bible had been created so that the writer had a basic idea of where the plot was heading. Early in development, it was announced that the first season would consist of 2. November 2. 9 to December 3, 2. February 1. 1 to October 1. While the first season was still running, it was announced the show had been renewed for a second season, also consisting of 2. It was also the first entirely computer animated Transformers TV series since Beast Wars Transformers, which aired 1. I/61MFCTYF71L._SY445_.jpg' alt='Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Strawberry Shortcake: Spring For Strawberry Shortcake ' title='Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Strawberry Shortcake: Spring For Strawberry Shortcake ' />Prime. PremiseeditSettingeditTransformers Prime is set in the Aligned continuity, taking place after the video games and books Transformers Exodus, Transformers War for Cybertron, Transformers Fall of Cybertron, Transformers Exiles, and Transformers Retribution. The Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, operate from a former American military missile silo near Jasper, Nevada. The team, also known as Team Prime, initially consists of Optimus, Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Ratchet, and Cliffjumper, who is killed in the five part pilot Darkness Rises and later, Wheeljack, Smokescreen, and Ultra Magnus. Knock Out, the Decepticons medical officer, later defects in the television movie finale Predacons Rising. The Autobots also have several human allies Jack Darby, and later his mother, nurse June Darby, Japanese transfer student Miko Nakadai, computer prodigy Rafael Esquivel, and American government agent William Fowler. The Decepticons, led by Megatron, operate from their warship, the Nemesis. Other members include Starscream, Soundwave and his minion Laserbeak, Knock Out, Breakdown, Airachnid, the Insecticon hive led by Hardshell, Dreadwing and his brother Skyquake, and Shockwave. Shockwave creates the series third Transformers faction, the Predacons, consisting of Predaking, Skylynx, and Darksteel. Other antagonists in the series include Unicron, an evil, planet eating Transformer, whose body serves as the Earth itself and MECH, a human faction which wishes to create a new world order through cutting edge technology stolen from the Transformers. SynopsiseditIn the season one pilot, Darkness Rising, Cliffjumper is murdered by Starscream, and his corpse used by Megatron to test the necromantic Dark Energon, to create an undead army from Cybertrons fallen. The plan fails when the Autobots destroy Megatrons space bridge, leaving him in a comatose state. The Snow Queen Full Divx Movies more. He eventually recovers, taking back his leadership from the treacherous Starscream, who later defects to follow his own path. In the series finale, the Autobots and Megatron join forces to prevent the rise of Unicron. Optimus uses the Matrix of Leadership to knock Unicron back into hibernation, but in doing so, loses his memories and regain his pre war personality of Orion Pax. In season two, Megatron manipulates the amnesiac Optimus into decrypting the Iacon archives, which contain coordinates to Cybertronian relics hidden on Earth. Jack travels to Cybertron, obtaining Optimus memories from Vector Sigma, and restores them to Optimus. The season mostly is based around the hunt for the Iacon relics. Starscream obtains the four Omega Keys, which power the Omega Lock, a device which can reboot the dead Cybertron, and gives them to Megatron in return for clemency. Optimus destroys the Omega Lock, but not before Megatron uses its powers to create a new base, Darkmount, on Earth. The Decepticons then target and destroy the Autobot base, unaware the team escaped before hand using their ground bridge. The third season, under the subtitle of Beast Hunters, begins with the reunification of Team Prime, introducing Ultra Magnus as Optimus second in command. The Autobots successfully destroy Darkmount. Shockwave arrives on Earth, planning to create an army of Predacons, starting with Predaking. But when Predaking shows intelligence, Megatron has Shockwave terminate his project, pinning its destruction upon the Autobots. Soundwave later kidnaps Ratchet, Megatron forcing him to rebuild the Omega Lock using synthetic Energon. Ratchet informs Predaking of the truth, and he defects. During the battle for the Omega Lock, Bumblebee is shot by Megatron, falling into the synthetic Energon. However, he survives, gaining a healed voice, and runs Megatron through with the Star Saber, killing the Decepticon leader. The Autobots use the Omega Lock to restore Cybertron and head home victorious. The series ends with the television movie, Predacons Rising, where the Autobots and remaining Decepticons rebuild Cybertron. Unicron reanimates Megatron, possessing his body, planning to kill Cybertron, actually his brother Primus, using Dark Energon infected Predacon corpses. Optimus and Wheeljack retrieve the All. Spark from deep space and return to aid their comrades. Optimus uses the All. Sparks container to imprison Unicrons spark. Megatron, disillusioned with the prospect of tyranny, disbands the Decepticons and leaves Cybertron. Optimus reveals he fused the Matrix of Leadership and the All. Spark into one, and must fuse with Primus core to restore life to Cybertron. Bidding farewell to his comrades, Optimus Prime flies into Cybertrons core to begin a new era for the Transformers. Cast and characterseditThe series stars Optimus Prime Peter Cullen, who acts as the leader of the Autobots. In his fight to protect the Earth, Optimus is aided by Ratchet Jeffrey Combs, who acts as the teams medic and responsible for sending the team out on various locations using the Groundbridge. Bulkhead Kevin Michael Richardson acts as the teams muscle and heavy lifting. Arcee Sumalee Montano can transform into a motorcycle and is considered the teams most agile fighter. Rounding up the cast is Bumblebee Will Friedle, who is the teams scout Bumblebee remains voiceless throughout most of the series due to his voice box having been damaged and has to communicate through beeps. During the first season, the Autobots encounted Wheeljack James Horan, one of Bulkheads fellow Wreckers. While initially appearing for one episode in season one, the character would play a more important role and join the team in the latter half of season two. During the same season, Smokescreen Nolan North also joins the team. During the final season, Ultra Magnus Michael Ironside, who is Optimus second in command, comes to Earth to aid him and the Autobots in defeating the Decepticons. ProductioneditDevelopmenteditAlex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, co writers of Transformers and its sequel Revenge of the Fallen, were announced in early February to be helming a new Transformers series which would be CGI animated. The title of the series was first announced in February 2. Transformers Prime on Jeffrey Combs website.