Justin Mc. Donald IMDb. Find industry contacts talent representation. Manage your photos, credits, more. Showcase yourself on IMDb Amazon. The Best Business Books Ever Regular readers of my columnand I mean really regular readers might recall that several years ago, I asked for nominations of good examples of business fiction written in the last 2. I promised to return to the subject in a future column once readers weighed in. This was a promise, alas, I failed to keep. Once I got the nominations, I bought many of the books, but there they sat, on the floor of my office, looking at me balefully for months, begging to be read. I just couldnt do it. Doug Couplands brand of alienated office drone fiction didnt move me. Several readers mentioned JR by William Gaddis, but I couldnt get past page 2. Some authors named their own books. I had already read Tom Wolfes two business novels, Bonfire of the Vanities, and A Man In Full, but I never felt they qualified as first rate fiction. Im still upset that Wolfe abandoned book length journalism, where he was unparalleled. And several books, like Richard Fords wonderful Frank Bascombe trilogy, were not really business novels, even though the business of real estate was in the backdrop. Watch Cars 2 Hd. I did read a lovely Steven Millhauser novel, Martin Dressler The Story of An American Dreamer, but that was about it. Ah, but business non fiction thats another story. The Full A Liar`S Autobiography Movie ' title='The Full A Liar`S Autobiography Movie ' />There Im in my comfort zone. Thus it was that in my column last Saturday, I rather confidently credited Bryan Burrough with being the co author of one of the greatest business books ever written. I was referring, of course, to Barbarians at the Gate, the rollicking account of KKRs leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco, which he wrote with my friend John Helyar. After that column was published, a reader asked me to name other business narratives that I thought deserved the title great. Narratives only no management tomes or advice books allowed. After consulting several of my rabbis the author and a former Times public editor Dan Okrent, the editor in chief of Time Inc. John Huey, and Adrian Zackheim, who runs the Portfolio imprint at Penguin Books heres my short list. Im sure Ive forgotten some other great books so weigh in with your candidates. In no particular order Liars Poker, by Michael Lewis even though Ive since become convinced that the anecdote that gives the book its title never happened. The Devils Candy, by Julie Salamon. Greatest dissection of the movie business ever written. The Box, by Marc Levinson. Hard to believe you can write a great book about the rise and importance of the shipping container, but he pulled it off. Indecent Exposure, by David Mc. Clintick. Published in 1. The Go Go Years, by John Brooks. The best book by the most elegant writer to ever make business his subject. The Kingdom and the Power, by Gay Talese. Yes, the subject is The New York Times, but how can you leave it off any list of great business booksTitan, by Ron Chernow. Chernows magisterial biography of John D. Rockefeller. Do You Sincerely Want To Be Rich, by Godfrey Hodgson, Bruce Page and Charles Raw. Hard to believe that this committee of authors could write a sensational narrative about the rise and fall of Bernard Cornfeld, but that they did. Disney Wars, by James Stewart. Best corporate psychoanalysis Ive ever read, says John Huey. The Informant, by Kurt Eichenwald Forget his Enron book, Conspiracy of Fools. This book, about the strange saga of Mark Whitacre and Archer Daniels Midland, is his masterpiece. Father, Son and Co. My Life at IBM and Beyond, by Thomas J. Watson and Peter Petre The only great ghost written C. E. O. autobiography ever written. No one else not even Lee Iacocca or Jack Welch even comes close. When Genius Failed, by Roger Lowenstein. Another one of those how did he do it books this account of the fall of Long Term Capital Management, which by all rights should be a tough slog, is crackling good read. Greed and Glory on Wall Street, by Ken Auletta. This book, about the crack up of Lehman Brothers, has a great cast of characters, starting with Steve Schwartzman. The Smartest Guys in the Room, by Peter Elkind and Bethany Mc. Lean. O. K., O. K., they are former colleagues of mine, and I was deeply involved in editing this book but I have to say, I think it turned out pretty well. Full List of Inventory 12717. You can search for a specific title by using your computer or other devices search function. If you want a specific list such as. Godfather cast reunite after 45 years and unravel the mysteries behind the cult classic. The cast took a walk down memory lane. The man who shot dead 59 people and injured 527 others in Las Vegas on Sunday night was a multimillionaire who took a huge arsenal of 23 guns into his Mandalay Bay. October 2017. Cameron Diaz news, gossip, photos of Cameron Diaz, biography, Cameron Diaz boyfriend list 2016. Relationship history. Cameron Diaz relationship list. Monty Python also known as The Pythons were a British surreal comedy group who created their sketch comedy show Monty Pythons Flying Circus, which first aired on. You can watch movies online for free and in English. Carol Cleveland, Actress Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Born in England, Carol moved to the United States as a youngster after her mother remarried a man in the U.