Movie Endings People Think Are Ambiguous But ArentI felt the same way about American Psycho that a lot of my friends felt about Fight Club. Both films came out in the late 9. You went from being a middle schooler who ingested Roland Emmerich films like M Ms to being a bona fide seventh grade film scholar. You sipped Mountain Dew out of fine china and said things like Have you seen Donnie Darko or I liked Blade 2, but I also liked Blade. And thats just me. Id later go on to read the book American Psycho, which was a decent experience that I never want to have again. But I rewatched the film over and over again, and each time, I rode the line between Was Patrick Bateman a killer and Was he just a terrible, terrible Wall Street bro And then I realized why I was indecisive I was still kind of hoping that American Psycho was a slasher flick. E1A5/production/_93656775_d71534f8-df48-41d3-8aca-e3d2e8b77bd5.jpg' alt='Whole The Boy Who Wanted To Be A Lion Movie Online ' title='Whole The Boy Who Wanted To Be A Lion Movie Online ' />I dont care as much about it now as I used to, but for a long time, I desperately desired validation when it came to my interests. And one of my interests has always been slasher films which, in the publics eye, tend to hold steady on the scale of Cinematic Greatness somewhere between softcore porn and The Phantom Menace. So when a slasher film like American Psycho gets a positive response and a real thinker of an ending, you latch onto it. SEE you scream atop of a throne of Friday The 1. DO YOU SEE NOWSlasher films are full of mayhem and blood and guts, and so is American Psycho. But in a slasher film, the killings are rarely the product of someones imagination. Watch Blood: The Last Vampire Movie Online. Theyre usually very, very real and very, very hard for the next years staff of camp counselors to clean up. Youve got to move on and its a shame because theres a part of you that thinks, I was so attached to that movie and its success and what it meant to me. But the minute you remove American Psycho from the idea that it might be a slasher movie, or even a slasher movie disguised as a hoity toity art thing, it becomes painfully obvious that none of the murders are real. They constantly drop hints that they never occurred the bodies being missing and no one knowing what Patrick Bateman is talking about and the guy at the end whos like Please, Christian Bale. Youre embarrassing me in this fine Ronald Reagan approved cocktail place with all of your sweat. And then, like Bateman at the end of the film, youre forced to sit down and consider what is real. And then you think Maybe Ill watch American Psycho II for more answers. That can only help me. And you shouldnt. Dont do it. Dont fuckin do it. Daniel has a podcast about Top 4. The new DC animated movie Batman and Harley Quinn is far from the first time theyve teamed up. Theres plenty of trouble in their shared past. Twitter. For more check out 5 Horrifying Aftermaths Implied by Movies With Happy Endings and 5 Movies That Cut Insane Twist Endings at the Last Second. Subscribe to our You. Tube channel and check out 6 Happy Movie Endings That Are secretly Tragic, and watch other videos you wont see on the site Also follow us on Facebook. Breaking Celeb News, Entertainment News, and Celebrity Gossip. Translate to English Translate to English Translate to English Translate to English This content is available customized for our international audience. Switch to US edition This content is available customized for our international audience. Switch to Canadian edition This content is available customized for our international audience. Switch to UK editionThis content is available customized for our international audience. Switch to Australian edition Mchtest du zur deutschen Version wechseln Do you want to go to the German edition Souhaitez vous vous rendre sur ldition franaise Do you want to go to the French editionNs especializamos nosso site para sua regio Voc gostaria de ir para E Online Brasil We have specialized our website for your region. Would you like to switch to our Brazilian editionHemos especializado nuestro sitio para tu regin Quieres ir a E Online LatinoWe have specialized our website for your region. Would you like to switch to our Latino edition Yes Yes Yes Yes Ja Yes Oui YesSim YesSi Yes.