This movie follows Lupin III, a famed thief descended from Arsne Lupin, and his sidekick Daisuke Jigen as they escape from a high profile robbery of a national casino called Monaco. Discovering that their loot is counterfeit, they go in search of the source of these perfect goat bills which leads them to the Castle of Cagliostro featuring both a princess and a huge hidden secret. Good times to be had by all, and a more decent story than is usually found in non canonical anime series movies. Cheap Consuming Spirits Movie ' title='Cheap Consuming Spirits Movie ' />Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 1. Kaze no tani no Naushika Buy on DVD Amazon e. Bay Buy on Blu ray Amazon e. Bay. Now considered Ghiblis first full length movie even though it was released a year before the official formation of the Studio, Nausicaa has aged a lot better than most of the other animes from that time. The art, music, and story line of this anime were all way ahead of its time. The story revolves around the princess Nausicaa and how she gives her absolute all to save those around her from both the aggressive foliagefungi surrounding them, the neighbouring countries, and the impending threat of giant stampeding insects. One of the best sci fi animes ever made, and certainly a must view for any anime fan. Youll be able to see why this put Ghibli in its formative years on the anime worlds map. Isao Takahata. Gauche the Cellist 1. Sero Hiki no Goushu Note a Region Free DVD Player or Region Free Blu Ray Player is required to watch the following discs Buy on Other Region DVD Amazon e. Bay NO English dubsubtitles on disc Buy on Other Region Blu ray Amazon e. Bay Blu ray includes English subtitlesA Pre Ghibli film with a good measure more heart than many of Takahatas actual Ghibli movies. Gauche the Cellist is a cute if somewhat sedate movie about Gauche who is a cellist with a local orchestra and how he learns different important cello lessons from random talking animals that visit him every night including a tanuki, a cuckoo, a cat, and a pair of mice to prepare him for an upcoming concert. Its pretty cute and recommended for both adults and children. Good to watch on a rainy day. Studio Ghibli Hayao MiyazakiIsao TakahataGoro MiyazakiGhibli is commonly known as the Disney of Japan and is certainly one of the largest anime studios in existence. Most of their movies are great for both adults and kids, the ones that arent are noted within their respective reviews. Hayao Miyazaki. Laputa Castle in the Sky 1. Tenk no Shiro Rapyuta Buy on DVD Amazon e. Bay Buy on Blu ray Amazon e. Bay. The art direction is this movie is superb, it really brings the Castle in the Sky concept straight out of Gullivers Travels and onto the movie screen. The bittersweet robots that inhabit and protect the garden may even end up being some of your favourite anime characters, not because they are amusing, but because of the care and dedication that they exude whenever you see them. Laputa revolves around a boy named Pazu and the girl that floats unceremoniously down from the sky into his life, Sheeta, and how they save both Laputa and the world from corruption. An all around solid anime movie with classic Ghibli humour and spirit, definitely recommended. My Neighbor Totoro 1. Tonari no Totoro Buy on DVD Amazon e. Bay Buy on Blu ray Amazon e. Bay. Arguably the most well known anime movie ever made, My Neighbor Totoro follows the exploits of two little girls, Satsuki and Mei, and how they learn to cope with their mother being constantly in the hospital through the loving help and guidance of mystical and fuzzy forest spirits, the Totoro the word Totoro usually just refers to the biggest gray one, but technically applies to all three. This quickly became the defining movie for Ghibli making Totoro their mascot and the Mickey Mouse of Japan even though this is the only widely available movie hes featured in. Kikis Delivery Service 1. Majo no Takkybin Buy on DVD Amazon e. Bay Buy on Blu ray Amazon e. Bay. This is one of the more decorated of Ghiblis movies having won at least 1. The narrative follows Kiki and her witty cat Jiji as they set out for a town where Kiki can become the resident witch and earn some valuable experience in life. Its a solid coming of age story that follows the hardships and friends that they encounter while Kiki tries to develop her rather lacking witch skills into something more useful for society. As with all Ghibli movies this is not your typical anime fare and definitely worth checking out. Porco Rosso 1. 99. Kurenai no Buta Buy on DVD Amazon e. Bay Buy on Blu ray Amazon e. Bay. Miyazaki loves planes and nowhere is this love more prevalent than in Porco Rosso. Overall, the movie has a playful nature and is good fun for people of all ages. The story follows Porco Rosso, a man who was inexplicably turned into a pig it never really is explained very well, so dont bother trying to understand that part, his tricked out plane, The Crimson Pig, and how he uses it to patrol the skies and fight evil wherever it may be. The catch is where he got the plane from. Princess Mononoke 1. Mononoke Hime Buy on DVD Amazon e. Bay Buy on Blu ray Amazon e. Bay. The winner of 3. This is by far the most graphic of Ghiblis movies, with gore and decapitation among other things. Does it end up being an okay movie in spite of its unusually mature content Yes, it actually does. I commend Miyazaki for being able to craft such a solid and mystical story that one would swear was based on actual folklore, but I still cant say that this is one of my favourite animes. The story follows prince Ashitaka as he gets caught in the middle of a war between forest spirits as well as San, or Princess Mononoke, who was adopted by the forests wolves and a mining town called Iron Town while trying to lift a curse put on him by a giant boar demon that was attacking his village. Chances are that youll love it, but I find it largely too long and gruesome for repeated consumption, even compared to the more brazenly gory movies featured in this guide. Spirited Away 2.