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Series, and the experience is virtually the same. Big comfy throne for a chair. Same BMW interface. Those neat and nifty and extraordinarily nerdy gesture controls to make the radio louder or quieter. Thats almost what makes the 5 Series so good. You sit there and you think, Oh, thank GOD I didnt buy the 7. Because if you did, youd end up just looking like a showy dunce who likes to spend money. But when you add Alpina into the mix, things get a little more interesting, and a lot more expensive. Full Disclosure BMW wanted us to drive both the BMW 5 Series and the Alpina B7 so bad that we asked for them, and they said, okay. We picked them up from their garage here in New York, and both of them came with a full tank of gas. Whats The Difference They both come from Germany, they both have turbocharged engines, and theyre both built on the same modular platform. They both feature gesture controls, which allow you to wave your hands in the air, much as you would if you didnt even care, to turn the volume up down. They both also feature a regular volume knob. They both have extraordinarily comfy seats. They both have at least one BMW badge, somewhere. They both have heads up displays so large, its as if all 4. Waldseemller Map is spread across your entire face when the GPS system says its time to make the next turn, right up until it disappears again is that a road hazard, not being able to see the road Maybe. Im not one to make moral judgments. You gotta make peace with your own deities. They both accelerate to literally some miles per hour in literally some sort of measurable time. Theyre both about 2. They both will get you to where you going. Really, if all you care about is the basics, along with some hyper tech and some safe, conservative, reserved style and class, theres no reason not to get a BMW 5 Series. It makes a car like the Alpina B7 kind of pointless. But thats where it all ends. Whereas my BMW 5. Big 7which is what the B7 in Alpina B7 stands for, I like to thinkgoes positively insane. Alpina, as you may know, is an independent company that has for decades specialized in developing high performance and high luxury versions of BMW cars, including doing their own extensive modifications to BMWs own engines. Here, Alpina does more of more of more. Eight cylinders, containing 4. V. Two turbos. 6. A top speed electronically limited to right around 1. The B7, like the 7 Series its based on, features carbon fiber in the chassis, too, just to make sure that what looks to be an elephant can truly dance. Its vast in size and scope, with its long wheel base allowing nothing but the most sophisticated, discerning passengers to recline in the big rear thrones, massaged by nothing but the finest air bladders. The bladders are synthetic, BMW claims, but I have a sneaking suspicion they come from animals so fine mere mortals like you and I have never heard of them. They shit gold. Alpina badges are everywhere, even in the electronic instrument cluster. They remind you that this is no ordinary BMW. Its rarer even than a vaunted M. In fact, just inside the door theres a little manufacturers note that this is actually no longer a BMW, not by the German governments definition, anyway. In fact, Alpina claims its changed The adaptive steering. The adaptive suspension. The dampers. The wheels, obviously. The turbos. The exhaust, so now you can almost, sometimes, if youre just whispering amongst yourselves, consider it loudThe intake. The steering wheel leather, which now comes hand stitched in Alpinas traditional blue and green. The intercooler. The pistons, now made by Mahle. The transmission, which Alpina lets you switch around not by paddles, but by buttons on the back of the steering wheel though you can still specify paddles, if you really insist upon itThe very heart and soul of the beast itself. Sci Fi Thriller Movies The Muppets. And its got neat little white stitching on the brown leather, too. I didnt have that in the 5 Series, no siree. Which All Adds Up To A Nice Recipe, If Your Budget Can Stretch. If you strip away all the Alpina bits, and just leave a regular 7 Series, you get a very good, very competent, very luxurious car. And thats all pretty neat and fine, were it not for the 5 Series, which really does feel just about every bit as good and lovely as the 7, as long as youre not eight feet tall with consistent NBA contract demands to sit in the back seats wherever you go. If you can only afford a car thats 7. BMW, I suggest the 5 Series. But if you can afford a car thats over 1. Alpina B7. Despite its 4,5. And when it all gets too fast, when it all gets too scary when not even the B7s ionized perfume dispenser can calm you beating heart, your spine pummeled into dust by furiously inflating and deflating bladders, massive platters masquerading as brake rotors behind the gorgeous 2. Alpina wheels haul you back into humanitys normal dimension. Its sort of all astounding how it does it. But Not Everything Is Perfect With These Bavarian Wonders. BMWs self driving system is still pretty crap. It snakes, it slithers, it forces you to constantly put your hands on the wheel. Its silly and pointless. Dont use it. Itll get better, but its not good now. The steering, while vastly improved and much more direct than BMWs early iterations of drive by wire tillers, still doesnt provide much by way of feedback either, even if you shove it all the way from Comfort Plus which can be earnestly compared to feeling like youre driving along a road paved with the backs of particularly plump dogs all the way into Sport Plus, which is like the Sport mode in many cars, but also, Plus. So Should You Actually Get Either One This is one of those weird questions. Its not like oh, should I get a Toyota Corolla or a Honda Civic This comes down to an even deeper question about what sort of person you are. Even beyond the silly, entirely, completely inconsequential question of how big is your wallet Maybe it helps that I cant really afford either of these cars, despite my vast blogging riches. But do you want a car that gets you quietly and confidently to your destination, reserved in intent and purpose, to wow only those that get close enough to for you to show off your nifty finger twirling radio tricks Or do you want the sort of car that hears about rising income inequality, the death of the American dream, and any semblance to an end to rent seeking and says, stoutly and resolutely, that to hell with all of it, Ive made my way in this world, and I deserve to be rewarded with nothing but the sensation of buttery soft cow peelings repeatedly shoved forcefully into the back of my head I know which one Id take. But Ill need the money for it somewhere.