Family and relatives My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki. This article details the family and relatives of characters in the show. For other relationships explored in the series, see relationships. Main article Apple family. See also Apple Bloom, Big Mc. Intosh, Granny Smith, and Bright Mac and Pear Butter. Carrot Cake and Cup Cake are husband and wife, respectively. I/81ZlxYC%2BHlL._SY355_.jpg' alt='Watch My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rock Hd' title='Watch My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rock Hd' />Children. Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake are introduced in the episode Baby Cakes. The main six are shocked to learn that Pound Cake is a Pegasus while Pumpkin Cake is a unicorn, though Mr. Cake explains it away as due to distant familial relations in both his and Mrs. Cakes lineages. They appear again in A Friend in Deed, where Pinkie fails to make them laugh with her routine, until the very end, when she sits on some jacks. Their third appearance comes in Ponyville Confidential, where they throw a tantrum, and are featured for it in one of Gabby Gums articles. Pumpkin Cake appears briefly without her brother in Magic Duel, and in Magical Mystery Cure, Pound Cake can be seen in Pinkies flashback. Both twins appear in Pinkie Pride as their names were mentioned during a musical number. This article details the family and relatives of characters in the show. For other relationships. Target Cartwheel, a whole new spin on coupons. Find share the best deals in all your favorite categories grocery, baby, apparel, health beauty more. La siguiente es una lista de episodios de la serie de televisin de dibujos animados My Little Pony La Magia de la Amistad, que fue estrenada el 10 de octubre de. Relatives. In Baby Cakes, Mr. Cake mentions his great great great great grandfather, a unicorn, and Mrs. Cakes great aunts second cousin twice removed, a Pegasus. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Lon and Vladmir. King Leo on his throne. Four of the mentioned members of the royal family are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Prince Blueblood and Princess Cadance. Multiple episodes state that Luna is Celestias younger sister The Ticket Master states that Blueblood is Celestias nephew, though his trading card lists his family link to Luna and Celestia as being far removed various promotional materials state that Cadance is Celestias niece, and the chapter book. My Little Pony Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell specifies that Celestia adopted her as a niece. On My Little Pony Friendship is Magic comic book issue 5 page 1. Luna says that something she had hoped would never come to pass is happening, Pinkie Pie attempts to guess what it is, with one guess being Realize your mom was right about everything Luna responds to each guess with No. The picture book. My Little Pony Under the Sparkling Sea shows a sea lion called King Leo, who rules the underwater city of Aquastria and its seaponies and mermares the books dust jacket states that King Leo sits on the Cosmic Council alongside his cousin, Princess Celestia. One of the illustrated stories in the official My Little Ponymagazine in France shows Celestia having a four year old cousin called Lon, an Alicorn who shares Bluebloods color scheme and cutie mark and Rainbow Dashs base character model. The magazine storys narrative does not fit into the animated series. Sci Fi Movies Dvd Intolerance. Lauren Faust, the shows creator, stated that Celestia does not have parents that outrank her,2 that Luna and Celestia have no siblings and no children, and that Blueblood is the great great great great great great great great great great great and probably even more greats nephew on Celestias and Lunas mothers side, about 5. In Enterplays collectible card game, Cloud Chaser mentions her parents in her quote on her Enterplay collectible card game cards Gen Con Indy 2. R version. Fluttershy refers to the cockatrices mother in Stare Master. Coriander Cumin and Saffron Masala are a father and daughter who appear in Spice Up Your Life as owners of a Canterlot restaurant called The Tasty Treat. In Dragon Quest, one of the teenage dragons says that he thinks the dragon costumed pony trio is Crackles cousin. Main article Rich family. See also Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich. In April 2. 01. 3, The Hub jokingly referred to Discord and the Predaking from Transformers Prime Beast Hunters as long lost twins on Twitter5 and Facebook. In Shining Armors flashback in the IDW comics Friendship is Magic Issue 1. DJ Pon 3 appears as a filly atop the unicorn stallion 3. LP, who is modeled after her. In response to speculation of 3. LP being a parent of DJ Pon 3s, artist Andy Price has stated I think more big brother, considering the high school setting7 and considering the high school setting, more of a big brother, I would think,8 and colorist Heather Breckel has referred to 3. LP as not being DJ Pon 3s father. In Enterplays collectible card game, 1. C, a card of Emerald Green, gives him the description Emerald is sometimes confused for his winged cousin in Cloudsdale. He doesnt really seem to mind. Flim and Flam Flim and Flam are twins, with the only differences between them being their voices, their cutie marks, their hairstyles, and Flam having a mustache. They make their first appearance in The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6. Apple Family out of business. They appear again in Leap of Faith and Viva Las Pegasus. Fluttershys brother and parents. Fluttershys parents Mr. Mrs. Shy and brother Zephyr Breeze appear in the season six episode Flutter Brutter. Mr. and Mrs. Shy are shown to be as soft spoken and timid as their daughter, but Zephyr Breeze is loud, narcissistic, and lazy. He often freeloads off of his parents, who reluctantly allow this behavior, but this is revealed to be out of a crippling fear of failure. On page 7 of the My Little Pony Equestria Girls Holiday Special comic, Rainbow Dash says to Fluttershy, You know, I dont think Ive ever met your family. Gildas grandfather Grampa Gruff appears in The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone. In Shining Armors flashback in the IDW comics Friendship is Magic Issue 1. Poindexter says My mom is going to get really mad if I get grass stains on her new turtleneck. In Fluttershys flashback in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, colt Hoops taunts filly Fluttershy by saying that his baby brother can fly better than her. Moon Dancer has a sister in Amending Fences and also mentions an unnamed father who worked for the Canterlot Historical Society in Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Forgotten Books of Autumn. Main article Pie family. See also Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz, Limestone Pie and Marble Pie, and Maud Pie. In the episode Hearths Warming Eve and in The Journal of the Two Sisters, Princess Platinum is stated to be the daughter of the unicorn king Bullion. In Games Ponies Play, during her flashback as a filly, Rainbow Dash is shown standing on the back of Rainbow Blaze, an adult Pegasus stallion with a similarly rainbow colored mane and tail. Her relationship to Rainbow Blaze is not explicitly referred to. Next to Rainbow Blaze is Rainbowshine, an adult Pegasus mare with exactly the same eye color as Rainbow Dash but no similar coat or mane colors. In the Enterplay collectible card games expansion set Canterlot Nights, 1. C, a card of Rainbow Blaze, lists the quote Of course Rainbow Dash is a good flier. I taught her everything she knows. When asked of the possibility of exploring Rainbows family, Jim Miller replied as long as the show stays on the air, anything is possible1. Parents. To promote The Cutie Mark Chronicles, The Hubs website gave users three potential stories for how Rainbow Dash got her cutie mark. Rainbow Dashs parents are mentioned in one of the alternate stories as loving, supportive parents who tried to help Rainbow Dash find her mark. Rainbow Dashs father Bow Hothoof and mother Windy Whistles are formally introduced in the season seven episode Parental Glideance. They are portrayed as overenthusiastic and very supportive of their daughter, constantly celebrating her accomplishments no matter how minor. Because of their fanatical and embarrassing way of showing support, Rainbow initially doesnt tell them shes a member of the Wonderbolts. Siblings. When asked about whether or not Rainbow Dash has any siblings, Miller responded that maybe youll find out someday1. Raritys little sister, Sweetie Belle.