List of childrens literature writers. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This page contains links to 1315 radios and radiorelated items for sale at the Radio Attic. These writers are notable authors of childrens literature with some of their most famous works. Verna Aardema 1. Why Mosquitoes Buzz in Peoples Ears. Rafael balos born 1. Grimpow. Joan Abelove born 1. Go and Come Back. Chris van Abkoude 1. Pietje Bell series, Little Crumb. Socorro Acioli born 1. The Ghost Dancer. Richard Adams 1. Watership Down. Jean Adamson born 1. Topsy and Tim. C. S. Adler born 1. Magic of the Glits,Ghost Brother. David A. Adler born 1. Meryl Streep, Actress The Devil Wears Prada. Considered by many critics to be the greatest living actress, Meryl Streep has been nominated for the Academy Award an. Need Facebook Who Wants To Be A Millionaire answers, solutions and cheats Consult our quick reference chart. Then help us grow more Millionaire cheatsCam Jansen series, The Babe and IAesop 6th century BC Fables. Joan Aiken 1. 92. The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, Arabel and Mortimer series, A Necklace of Raindrops. Vivien Alcock 1. The Haunting of Cassie Palmer. Louisa May Alcott 1. Little Women, The Brownie and the Princess. Kwame Alexander The Crossover. Lloyd Alexander 1. The Chronicles of Prydain series, Westmark trilogy. Sue Alexander 1. Nadia the Willful. Horatio Alger, Jr. Ragged Dick. Mabel Esther Allan 1. Over the Sea to School, Ballet for Drina, The Ballet Family. David Almond born 1. Skellig, Heaven Eyes, Kits Wilderness. Joseph Alexander Altsheler 1. The Young Trailers series, The Civil War series. Julia Alvarez born 1. Tia Lola series. Hans Christian Andersen 1. ImageRenderer/1040/650/redesign/areas/movie/moviesubpages/img/noimage_900x900.jpg/75995/images/masterrepository/tms/75995/75995_aa.jpg' alt='Little Ears: The Velveteen Rabbit Movie Trailers' title='Little Ears: The Velveteen Rabbit Movie Trailers' />The Snow Queen, The Little Mermaid, The Ugly Duckling, The Emperors New Clothes, The Princess and the Pea, Thumbelina and other fairy tales. Sam Angus born 1. Soldier Dog, The House on Hummingbird Island. Charlotte Anley 1. Influence A Moral Tale for Young People 1. K. A. Applegate born 1. Animorphs, Remnants, Everworld series. Victor Appleton Stratemeyer housepseudonym from 1. Tom Swift series. Philip Ardagh born 1. Eddie Dickens series, Unlikely Exploits series. Edward Ardizzone 1. Tim All Alone, Tim and the Brave Sea Captain self illustratedLaura Adams Armer 1. Waterless Mountain. William H. Armstrong 1. Sounder. Tedd Arnold born 1. No Jumping on the Bed, Parts. Frank Asch born 1. I Can Blink, Happy Birthday Moon. Bernard Ashley born 1. The Trouble with Donovan Croft, Dodgem, Little Soldier. M. E. Atkinson 1. August Adventure, Smugglers Gap, Mystery Manor. Margaret Atwood born 1. Up in the Tree, Princess Prunella and the Purple Peanut. Ccile Aubry 1. 92. Belle et Sbastien. Martin Auer born 1. Now, Now, Markus, The Blue Boy. Steve Augarde born 1. The Various, Celandine. Esther Averill 1. The Cat Club, The Fire Cat. Gillian Avery born 1. The Wardens Niece, The Elephant War, A Likely Lad. Harold Avery 1. 86. The Triple Alliance, Play the Game. Avi born 1. 93. 7 Crispin The Cross of Lead, The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. Christopher Awdry born 1. The Railway Series 2. Thomas the Tank Engine storiesWilbert Awdry 1. The Railway Series 12. Thomas the Tank Engine storiesNatalie Babbitt born 1. Tuck Everlasting, Knee Knock Rise, The Search for Delicious. Maria Baciu born 1. Ghetuele copilriei. Enid Bagnold 1. 88. National Velvet. Bob Balaban born 1. Mc. Growl series. R. M. Ballantyne 1. The Coral Island. Blue Balliett born 1. Chasing Vermeer, The Wright 3, The Calder Game. Lynne Reid Banks born 1. The Indian in the Cupboard series. Helen Bannerman 1. Little Black Sambo. Shirley Barber born 1. The Tale of Martha B. Rabbit, A Wedding in Fairyland. Clive Barker born 1. The Thief of Always. Joyce Barkhouse 1. Pit Pony. Jill Barklem born 1. Brambly Hedge. Steve Barlow and Steve Skidmore Outernet series. Kitty Barne 1. 88. She Shall Have Music, Family Footlights, Visitors from London, Rosina Copper. J. M. Barrie 1. 86. Peter Pan. T. A. Barron born 1. The Lost Years of Merlin. Dave Barry born 1. Peter and the Starcatchers series. Margaret Stuart Barry born 1. Simon and the Witch. Graeme Base born 1. Animalia. L. Frank Baum 1. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz series. Hans Baumann 1. 91. Sons of the Steppe, I Marched with Hannibal. Nina Bawden born 1. Carries War, The Witchs Daughter, The Peppermint PigBB D. J. Watkins Pitchford 1. The Little Grey Men, Down the Bright Stream, Bill Badger and the Pirates. S. G. Hulme Beaman 1. Toytown stories. Jerome Beatty Jr 1. Matthew Looney space series. Aaron Becker born 1. Journey, Quest, Return. Thea Beckman 1. 92. Crusade in Jeans, Children of Mother Earth series. Frank Beddor The Looking Glass Wars series. John Bellairs 1. The House with a Clock in Its Walls. Hilaire Belloc 1. Cautionary Tales for Children, The Bad Childs Book of Beasts, More Beasts for Worse Children. Ludwig Bemelmans 1. Madeline. Derek Benz born 1. Grey Griffins. Berechiah ha Nakdan 1. Mishle Shualim, Fables of a Jewish Aesop. Stan and Jan Berenstain 1. The Berenstain Bears series. Elisabeth Beresford born 1. The Wombles. Paul Berna 1. A Hundred Million Francs, The Street Musician, Flood Warning. Luc Besson born 1. Arthur and the Minimoys series. Vitaly Bianki 1. Whose Nose is Better John Bibee born 1. Spirit Flyer series. David Biedrzycki born 1. Ace Lacewing Bug Detective, Me and My Dragon, Santa Retires. Paul Biegel 1. 92. The King of the Copper Mountains, The Little Captain, The Elephant Party. Margaret Biggs born 1. Melling School series. Franny Billingsley born 1. Well Wished, Big Bad Bunny. Claire Huchet Bishop 1. The Five Chinese Brothers, All Alone, The Big Loop. Holly Black born 1. The Spiderwick Chronicles, Beyond the Spiderwick Chronicles, Tithe, Valiant. Malorie Blackman born 1. Noughts Crosses, Pig Heart Boy, Cloud Busting. Clair Blank 1. 91. Beverly Gray mystery series. Judy Blume born 1. Are You There, God Its Me, Margaret, Fudge series. Enid Blyton 1. 89. Noddy series, The Famous Five series, The Secret Seven series, The Magic Faraway Tree series, Sunny Stories magazine. Michael Bond born 1. Paddington Bear series. Nancy Bond born 1. A String in the Harp. Ruskin Bond born 1. The Room on the Roof, The Blue Umbrella, Angry River. Veronica Bonilla born 1. The Platanario series, Magic Dream. Lucy M. Boston 1. Green Knowe series. J. Allan Bosworth born 1. White Water, Still Water, All the Dark Places. Chris Bradford born 1. Young Samurai series. Tony Bradman born 1. Dilly the Dinosaur series. Gillian Bradshaw born 1. The Dragon and the Thief, The Land of Gold, Beyond the North Wind. Christianna Brand 1. Nurse Matilda series adapted as Nanny Mc. PheeAnn Brashares born 1. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series. Angela Brazil 1. The Nicest Girl in the School, For the Sake of the School, The Jolliest Term on Record. Elinor Brent Dyer 1. Chalet School series. Jan Brett born 1. Trouble with Trolls. Thomas Brezina born 1. Romantic Movies 2009 Sing. The Knickerbocker Gang, Tom Turbo. Rae Bridgman The Middle. Gate Books The Serpents Spell, Amber Ambrosia, Fish Sphinx. Katharine Mary Briggs 1. Hobberdy Dick, Kate Crackernuts. Robert Bright 1. Georgie. Carol Ryrie Brink 1. Caddie Woodlawn, Baby Island. Hesba Fay Brinsmead 1. Pastures of the Blue Crane, Longtime Dreaming. Ivana Brli Maurani 1. The Marvellous Adventures and Misadventures of Hlapi the Apprentice, Tales of Long Ago. Lauren Brooke Heartland series, Chestnut Hill series. Walter R. Brooks 1. Freddy the Pig series. Marc Brown born 1. Arthur series. Marcia Brown born 1. Puss in Boots. Margaret Wise Brown 1. Goodnight Moon, The Runaway Bunny. Pamela Brown 1. 92. The Swish of the Curtain. Frances Browne 1. Grannys Wonderful Chair. Jean de Brunhoff 1. Babar the Elephant series. Jan Brzechwa 1. 90. Pan Kleks series, and many poems for children. Anthony Buckeridge 1. Jennings school stories. Maria Elizabeth Budden c. Always Happy Or, Anecdotes of Felix and his Sister Serena. A Tale. Eve Bunting born 1. Smoky Night. John Bunyan 1. Pilgrims Progress. Robert J. Burch 1. Queenie Peavy, Ida Early Comes Over the Mountain. Della Burford born 1. Journey to Dodoland, Magical Earth Secrets, Miracle Galaxy. Anthony Burgess 1. A Long Trip to Tea Time, The Land Where the Ice Cream Grows. Gelett Burgess 1. Goops series, and many poems for children including Purple CowThornton Burgess 1. The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse, Old Mother West Wind. Doris Burn 1. 92. Andrew Henrys Meadow, The Summerfolk.