Justice League Crisis on Two Earths is an original directtovideo animated superhero film released on February 23, 2010. It is based on the abandoned directto. Classic HannaBarbera cartoons get the comic book treatment. COMICS FOR DANGEROUS HUMANS. DCS YOUNG ANIMAL. A good version of Lex Luthor from a parallel Earth comes to the Justice Leagues dimension for help to fight their evil counterparts. Selina Kyle is Catwoman, a costumed adventurer whos been both a superhero and supervillain. Justice League New SDCC Trailer Breakdown Analysis At their enormous Hall H panel at this years San Diego Comic Con, Warner Bros. Novembers Justice League. The worlds greatest heroes unite to fight a new Apokoliptian threat known as Steppenwolf. More on him in just a bit. The New Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths Movie ' title='The New Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths Movie ' />In keeping with tradition, Den of Geek has gone through the new trailer frame by frame for any easter eggs, references, or clues about the meta narrative of the DCEU. Before we get started, did you miss the trailer Check it out below Okay, so lets talk about what we found It kicks off with that horrible nu metal cover of Come Together and I think its actually a cover of Aerosmiths version, not the Beatles one. Uuugh shivers. But on the plus side, it also starts with Wonder Woman doing Wonder Womany Wonder Womannish things, like dodging bullets and doing that sliding sweep kick on a guy holding a museum class trip hostage for their robbery. From story hints and this trailer, it looks like the Amazons have a huge role to play in the movie. Incidentally, what is the age of heroes that Bruce thought would never come again that Diana refers to Is this our first hint that the DCEU had a Justice Society in the early part of the 2. Century Or is this a reference to general mythology We get a look at the world in mourning after Supermans death in Batman v. Superman, including what looks like some love for Kal El on London Bridge. Its interesting that the news broadcasts were hearing refer to him as the Superman which seems a little impersonal, but its good to see theyre putting the name front and center for the first time in ages. You can also hear, during talk of all the horrifying crime going on in his absence, a mention of some kind of violence going down at Arkham Asylum. And we jump to Themyscira, where Dianas people including Connie Nielsens Hippolyta are guarding what looks like a Mother Box in their armory when a pretty spiffy boom tube effect pops in. And thats when Steppenwolf, the Apokaliptian villain of the movie, shows up. Steppenwolf was created by Jack Kirby back in 1. The New Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths Movie Trailer' title='The New Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths Movie Trailer' />Hes Darkseids uncle, and leader of Apokalips military. Hes a pretty bad dude, and he wields a pretty baller axe. The Justice League, is a fictional superhero team appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The Justice League was conceived by writer Gardner Fox and. We pored over the new Justice League trailer for hints, clues, and speculation. Heres what we found Untie the League. Lys D. What happens if Justice League suck as bad as Batman v Superman does Do the other DC movies get scrapped Do they try another new DC. La Ligue des justiciers Conflit sur les deux Terres Justice League Crisis on Two Earths est un film danimation sorti directement en DVD le 23 fvrier 2010 en. The New Gods and their Apokaliptian counterparts occupy an odd place in current continuity. Basically, they exist separate from and outside of the Multiverse, but they appear different in each alternate universe, like facets of their true selves projected down on them. We also get a look at Aquaman underwater in Atlantis. The hair effects must have cost a fortune. Every trailer makes Cyborg look better and better. Hes now well past N6. As we move through these looks at each Leaguer, we get voice over from someone possibly Steppenwolf, but it sounds a little too old that says, No protectors here. No Lanterns. No Kryptonian. We know from past SDCCs and this one that the Green Lantern Corps is a priority. This is the first time weve had a sense of where theyd fit in, though. This is actually a shot from whats my biggest concern about this movie. The TV version of Flash has some pretty outstanding effects. For TV. Here, though, Ezra Millers Flash goes through a window at super speed and it looks like hes splashing a pond with one finger as he starts to go through it. This is just cool. Steppenwolf brings his axe down on bare ground and causes lava to spider out from it, almost like hes making an Apokolips esque fire pit on Earth. Apokolips is a pretty awful place to live, where after a hard day making fire at the fire pits, the peasants get to come home to worship their tormentors. Movie Trailers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles more. Nothing terribly revelatory here. Its just a group of Parademons waiting on orders from Steppenwolf. The Parademons are Darkseids foot soldiers, disposable flying monsters with little brains who die easily. The Parademons attack, and thats when we get to see Batmans fun Batcrawler in action. At some point, apparently Cyborg takes it over and controls all its functions using some Borg tubes or something. This shot is notable because it means were going to get an underwater fight scene as Steppenwolf crashes Atlantis. Pretty interesting that two of the locations he hits up are two of the most magically charged in the DCU Themyscira, deeply connected with the Greek gods, and Atlantis, a country full of magicians that got sunk into the ocean for hubris. Good close up look at a Parademons face as it gets its ass beat by Batman. Interestingly, this is the closest we get to a look at any villains face. This trailer does a good job of putting the focus squarely on the heroes, which complements the message pushed in the dialogue the heroes bring us hope and will save the world. Batman in front of a red sky. Red skies in DC comics ALWAYS means somethings going wrong with the multiverse first in Crisis on Infinite Earths, then in every subsequent Crisis event. It makes sense that the Flash movie is going to adapt Flashpoint if theyre already screwing with the multiverse four movies in. The trailer closes with Alfred in the cave talking to someone he was told would come. If you look really close and my screen cap is garbage, so I apologize, in the bottom right corner of the screen it looks like a reddish cape on the shoulder of the person talking to Alfred. WHO COULD THAT BE By the way, Alfred gets all the best lines in this trailer. His crack about exploding wind up penguins is a nice little piece of world building. We know that this version of Batman has had a long career, and its good to know that at least some of it resembles the bat weirdness we know and love.