Watch anime online in high quality at Go. Go. Anime. Plot Summary Look In the skyIts a birdIts a planeIts Super Pig One fateful day, Karin, a junior high student, found what she thought was an injured piglet. However, the piglet was just exhausted from hunger. After the piglet regained his health by eating Karins apple, he revealed that he is a prince, Tonrariano III, from a planet called Boori more Look In the skyIts a birdIts a planeIts Super Pig One fateful day, Karin, a junior high student, found what she thought was an injured piglet. However, the piglet was just exhausted from hunger. After the piglet regained his health by eating Karins apple, he revealed that he is a prince, Tonrariano III, from a planet called Booringo. Tonrariano wanted to reward Karin for helping him and so he transformed her into a pig with superpowers. Karin was not at all pleased with the gift because she wanted to become a pretty superheroine like Cutey Chao a parody of Cutey Honey, not Super Pig. Reluctantly, she became more interested in her role as Super Pig when she found out that she can turn into someone like Cutey Chao if she can collect 1. Title Air Date PriPara the Movie Everyone, Assemble Prism Tours Gekijban PriPara Minna Atsumare Prism Tours. Luci Christian, Actress One Piece Wan psu. Luci Christian was born on March 18, 1973 in Hico, Texas, USA as Louisa Michelle Christian. Frankenweenie Review. She is an actress and.