With an extremely funny script by Mike Makowsky, Take Me rides the waves of a simulation scenario gone haywire. One of the cardinal rules of engagement on the internet is Dont Read the Comments. But if, like us, you spend the better part of your day scouring the internet for. Reasons Darth Bane Would Destroy Vader. While most of Darth Banes history has been technically erased by Disney, relegated to Legends status, his indelible mark will always be felt on the world of Star Wars. With a proliferation of new Star Wars titles via monthly comics, annual movies, upcoming TV, and various other content theres little doubt that Darth Bane wont be given future focus and reinstated on his throne, as one of the fully fleshed out and in canon Sith badasses of the Old Republic. Hopefully, well see new comics or even a spin off feature film down the line. OusSTDnx' alt='The Toe Tactic Movie Out' title='The Toe Tactic Movie Out' />Since Bane lived a thousand years before Vader was born, the two never managed to go toe to toe in what would be the ultimate villain dream match in a Galaxy Far Far Away. Watch Full A Turtle`S Tale: Sammy`S Adventures 2002. Bane and Vader are arguably two of the most powerful Force wielders that ever existed, but its hard to say who would come out on top, for various reasons. However, there are plenty of examples of Banes sheer strength and power that could likely give him a serious edge over Vader. Without further adieu, here are 1. Reasons Darth Bane Would DESTROY Darth Vader. BANE CAN TAME WILD MONSTERSWhen Jabba the Hutt dumps Luke Skywalker into an underground pit via trap door in Return of the Jedi, we get our first complete look at the vicious beast known as a rancor. Luke barely survives the encounter with Jabbas razor toothed monster, who was actually a bit housebroken, having been tamed by a handler. Now imagine the rancor in its natural habitat, completely unchained, untamed, and roaming freely. Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews, Tech Industry, Security, Hardware, Apple, and Windows. The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard trope as used in popular culture. The computer player is a cheating bastard whenever the rules differ between you and AI. Xander Berkeley, Actor Terminator 2 Judgment Day. Xanders father was a painter and his mother a school teacher who sewed, providing him with costumes his. Every month a smattering of classic Neo Geo games comes to modern consoles thanks to Hamster Corporations Arcade Archives program, but some of the systems most. Two suspects are in custody and another is on the loose after an overnight burglary in Rye. Its hard to look at the movieor any of Cassinis hauntingly beautiful imagesand not think of something appropriately morose for its Grand Finale. Door and order Police defend officers nudging tactic after moment he swings open a van door to knock a thief off a Boris Bike is caught on CCTV. Scary thought, eh In Drew Karpyshyns 2. Darth Bane Path of Destruction, Bane comes face to face with a wild rancor on the planet Lehon. Not only is Bane able to immediately control the raging monster he is able to make it his personal steed. Banes animal connection doesnt end with rancors, though. In Karpyshyns 2. Darth Bane Rule of Two, Bane visits Onderon and uses the Force to control yet another highly volatile wild creature, the flying drexl. These towering carnivorous lizards, the plague of Onderon, are handled with the greatest of ease by Bane. This is especially impressive because the drexly species is supposed to be totally immune to the Force BANE HAS MORE EXPERIENCE FIGHTING FORCE USERSVader fights some of the best Force users in the galaxy, from Maul and Count Dooku to Obi Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. But living in the Galactic Empire era, after the purge of the Jedi and with the Rule of Two firmly in place, the selection of powerful combatants that are fully in tune with the Force are few and far between, especially in comparison to what the galaxy looked like during Banes era, a thousand years prior. In his time, Bane is able to spar at the Sith Academy, train with a handful of great masters, and wage war against dozens of high profile Jedi and other Sith. Experience goes a long way when it comes to shaping a fighter. And, put bluntly, there are just more Force using and lightsaber wielding folks for Bane to fight. Had Vader lived in the days of the Old Republic, who knows how dominant he might have become BANE DOESNT BELIEVE IN HONORABLE DEATHBoth Vader and Bane are ruthless murderers, killing wantonly and without mercy, but a canyon seems to separate the two when it comes to the psychology of death. What sets Vader and Bane apart in this realm as fleshed out in Darth Bane Path of Destruction is that the latter does not believe in the concept of honorable death. This makes Bane a much more sneaky and conniving killer with no battlefield etiquette to speak of. Prior to becoming Vader, Anakin lives a large chunk of his life outside of the direct influence of the dark side. This influenced his views to some degree, sometimes giving him pause while committing fatal acts. On the other hand, Bane doesnt think twice about killing. There also exists a certain old school military strategy that Vader employs in deciding which opponents live, die, or get captured. This chess like engagement might work well when commanding soldiers, but it could be a hindrance during a face off with a warrior that simply wants to kill everyone in sight, using any means necessary no matter how unsavory. BANE USES A CURVED HILT LIGHTSABER AND FURY DRIVEN SWORDPLAYUnlike Vader, Bane eschews technical sophistication for fury driven ostensibly out of control strength oriented lightsaber combat. Combined with the use of an extra powerful curved hilt lightsaber, which allows for more precise movement and almost perfect flexibility, Bane is one of the most formidable warriors to ever step onto a battlefield in all of Star Wars history. In Darth Bane Rule of Two, Bane shows that there is method to his madness when it comes to his unrefined battle style. By allowing himself to be completely wild and free while fighting, Bane becomes something of an unstoppable force of nature. Vaders much more precise movements, deliberate parries, and upright fighting stance as seen in Empire Strikes Back and the end scene of Rogue One, for example stand in stark contrast to what Bane brings to the table. It would be interesting to see such dramatically different combat forms pitted against one another. If we can glean anything from Karpyshyns novels it wouldnt be unwise to place your bets on the raging and far more unpredictable Bane. BANE USES DUN MCH STYLE, TO WHICH VADER IS SUSCEPTIBLEOne of the most psychologically devastating and sophisticated fighting styles in the galaxy is Dun Mch. Aiming to dominate an opponents spirit, Dun Mch involves spoken taunts, which are meant to expose weakness or hidden doubt. These mental Force attacks often lead to shattered concentration and absolute victory. Aside from the aforementioned wild style employed by Bane, the Sith master is also an expert at Dun Mch. Vader is also a Dun Mch expert, as demonstrated to perfection during his lightsaber skirmish with Luke during Empire Strikes Backculminating in the I am your father moment. What separates Vader from Bane in regard to the use of Dun Mch is not on how effective they are at implementation, but how they defend against the technique. While Bane has never fallen victim to Dun Mch, Vader definitely has. In Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Jedi Galen Marek used Dun Mch quite effectively against Vader. It is easy to imagine a stronger warrior, like Bane, employing a similar tactic with successful results. BANE STUDIED AT THE SITH ACADEMY AND LEARNED FROM SITH MASTERSAnakin Skywalker is turned to the dark side of the Force by Palpatine, his primary guide and mentor in regard to all things Sith related. Having a capable master like Palpatine might seem like a benefit on the surface, but once you start looking at how deeply manipulative the Emperor is, you start to quickly see the drawbacks of Vaders education. On the other hand, Bane studies at the Sith Academy and is able to learn from the holocrons of wise masters such as Darth Revan, Darth Andeddu, Freedon Nadd, and Belia Darzu. In fact, in Darth Bane Dynasty of Evil, Bane is even able to create his own personal holocron. This is no small feat. The dark side of the Force that Bane learns to brandish is certainly more pure and, at the very least, free of the many strings attached to the Emperors abridged version. With such unbridled might and knowledge, Bane has a certain advantage over Vader on the field of battle. BANE FEEDS ON THE SUFFERING OF OTHERSWhile Vader and most Sith masters are focused on both channeling their inner hatred and making others suffer, Bane takes this concept to the nth degree. Bane doesnt just want others to feel pain he literally feeds on other peoples suffering. Having developed the capability to absorb the horror and misery of others, and then turn it into energy that gives him extra vigor, Bane is a true conduit of unadulterated malevolent power.